Two Blobs Fucking
February 14, 2011 12:08 PM   Subscribe

Even earlier were the Parking Lot Experiments, and the Boom Box Experiment.

The test begins... now.
posted by tapesonthefloor at 12:24 PM on February 14, 2011

I'm going to not and say I did. I am a big Flaming Lips fan, and I can appreciate the performance art aspect of something like this, but maybe I am old. I want my music in my ears to come from a single setup (headphones, stereo, or concert).
posted by cjorgensen at 12:24 PM on February 14, 2011

Yo, Flaming Lips, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Ballet mécanique by George Antheil! OF ALL TIME!
posted by Sidhedevil at 12:24 PM on February 14, 2011 [2 favorites]

Loading up all 12 of them in tabs with headphones on is... interesting.
posted by togdon at 12:38 PM on February 14, 2011

Also Unsilent Night by Phil Kline. OF ALL TIME!

But this is pretty neat too.
posted by moonmilk at 12:43 PM on February 14, 2011 [1 favorite]

Quick and dirty mix. Not sure it was worth the effort.
posted by knave at 1:13 PM on February 14, 2011 [2 favorites]

I predict in the future this will be a double.
posted by a womble is an active kind of sloth at 1:23 PM on February 14, 2011

I'm lazy and don't have 12 computers.

This might be easier
posted by chundo at 1:27 PM on February 14, 2011 [3 favorites]

knave: I feel the same way.
posted by chundo at 1:32 PM on February 14, 2011

When you say "at the same time" are you talking synchronized to the sample or what?
posted by mkb at 1:41 PM on February 14, 2011

When you say "at the same time" are you talking synchronized to the sample or what?

There are handy instructions by the band in the first link. You're supposed to start them playing at the same time.
posted by Threeway Handshake at 2:06 PM on February 14, 2011

Thanks, knave. And no, it wasn't worth the effort. This is a neat idea even if it is dickish to the fans.
posted by chairface at 8:41 PM on February 14, 2011

Aw, it's fun. I don't think it's intended that you MUST listen to all the tracks to enjoy this -- I was just doing three tracks at a time, and it sounded cool. You can mix and match for different effects. And the videos are pleasant eye candy. It's not a groundbreaking masterpiece, but it's hardly "dickish to the fans".
posted by lisa g at 10:56 PM on February 14, 2011

Here's another useful way to listen:

Includes a mixer, and a way to play all tracks simultaneously.
posted by naju at 8:50 AM on February 15, 2011

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