3 Tips For Finding The Best Vacation Rental In Naples
March 29, 2013 11:11 AM   Subscribe

The Best Vacation Rentals in Naples, Fl In working in the local Naples vacation rental industry for the past few years, I have observed three key tips for securing the best fitting rental in town for a great price.

Book Early
Booking a year or more in advance is the prime factor in acquiring that perfect fit rental you have dreamed about. The available inventory is high which provides greater number of potential properties to choose from. It allows plenty of time to complete all of the necessary paperwork and complete required rental payment transactions. It also gives a safety blanket of time in case any snags occur while adding negotiating leverage (important).

Determine Vacation Activity Preferences

Determining which activities you most enjoy and plan on participating in can be huge in selecting your location and negotiating for perks. Naples has a lot to offer every vacationer and being in the best location can make the difference in having an excellent vacation verses having to put up with annoyances while fighting through seasonal traffic to get where you want to go.

Negotiate Deals and Extra Perks

Naples is a unique area with a strong independent business structure. Most owners are not corporations with rigid rules and policies. Property management companies and real estate professionals are also down to earth individuals and small businesses that are willing to bend on price and provide extras if the timing is right.

In conclusion, make sure to determine your activities, book early and negotiate your prices when securing the best Naples rental for your vacation.
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