The obvious choice? The obvious choice to oblivion? Let's see...(SLYT)
April 18, 2013 8:08 PM   Subscribe

Turn up the volume, kick up your feet, and take a relaxing glide with Alexander Polli Warning: The part where he attempts to thread the needle may cause involuntary clenching.
posted by jcworth (16 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
1) Wow.

2) In the long-run, this can't end well.
posted by ZenMasterThis at 8:36 PM on April 18, 2013 [1 favorite]

Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
(I can't be the only one who saw this as explicit metaphor.)

Go flying sperm! - May you successfully find the motherlode of downy egg and not splatter your precious DNA all over the sandstone peaks like your less fortunate whip-tailed compatriots.
posted by isopraxis at 8:40 PM on April 18, 2013

I imagine his arms are under pretty strong forces. I wonder how much he has to exert to keep the wind from turning him into a tumbling canon ball? Maybe his suit has some sort of splint like reinforcement?
posted by ian1977 at 9:00 PM on April 18, 2013

I am so glad that I am boring and unadventurous.
posted by njohnson23 at 9:10 PM on April 18, 2013 [5 favorites]

I'm glad that there are adventurous people out there who will do things that could end with them splatting. I'm glad that they don't splat, and I'm glad that I can watch them do these things.

I am glad I don't have the bizarre urges they have that compel them to do things like this.
posted by Ghidorah at 9:14 PM on April 18, 2013 [4 favorites]

Man. I know I'd never do that, that I would die if I ever got in a wing suit, but DAMN does that look like fun!
posted by Canageek at 9:25 PM on April 18, 2013

But hot damn, it sure is inspiring as shit to watch humans fucking fly.

It's not flying. It's falling with style.
posted by SPrintF at 10:48 PM on April 18, 2013 [8 favorites]

Ah, big deal. He had PLENTY of room! :)
posted by TDavis at 11:09 PM on April 18, 2013


My testes just retracted into my throat
posted by lalochezia at 12:59 AM on April 19, 2013 [2 favorites]

Derail-ish -- Is there a filter or application or tutorial for easily creating that lettering effect in the "FIRST TEST JUMP" etc.? (I have no Photoshop skills.) I've dug 'em since I first saw them in the credits to "Panic Room" and on "Fringe."
posted by Infinity_8 at 6:29 AM on April 19, 2013

Do any of these videos ever show how these guys land? Like, how do they slow down?

(Probably a stupid question, but then, I get vertigo on escalators.)
posted by jbickers at 6:37 AM on April 19, 2013

Do any of these videos ever show how these guys land? Like, how do they slow down?

I think they are also equipped with a parachute in that slim backpack.
posted by mygoditsbob at 6:50 AM on April 19, 2013

Do any of these videos ever show how these guys land? Like, how do they slow down?

I think they are also equipped with a parachute in that slim backpack.

Hogwash. They just raise their wings and flap a few times in the reverse direction, then they settle into their nest and regurgitate Redbull into their young.
posted by Ogre Lawless at 7:37 AM on April 19, 2013 [10 favorites]

Do any of these videos ever show how these guys land? Like, how do they slow down?

Well, this is one way to do it.
posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints at 9:37 AM on April 19, 2013

I predict a closed casket for this one.
posted by 4ster at 2:23 PM on April 19, 2013 [1 favorite]

This is what happens when you don't quite get it right.
posted by Hello Dad, I'm in Jail at 8:56 PM on April 19, 2013

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