So basically it's America: The Game
February 18, 2014 1:28 PM   Subscribe

After three years of development, indie game company Shining Rock Software has released Banished, a city-building strategy game focused on survival. You start the game in control of an exiled band of settlers with little but the clothes on their back and the immediate goals of building shelter, staving off hunger, and surviving the winter. It has no multiplayer, combat, or missions; your only long-term directive is to build a thriving and sustainable settlement for your people. Banished is also notable in that all the engineering, art, and music for the game was done by a single developer (Reddit AMA).
posted by annekate (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Heya, I know a lot of folks have been pretty stoked for Banished's release but a post that's just a link to the site for a $20 game and a two-month-old AMA thread isn't really giving folks much to interact with. Maybe a do-over post that rounds up some actual critical discussion of the released game at some point? -- cortex

So this is like Minecraft, but with better graphics and more people?
posted by corb at 1:36 PM on February 18, 2014

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