Little Lions NYC Cat Tea House Now Accepting Donations
September 29, 2014 5:02 PM   Subscribe

What is a Cat Tea House? "In this serene oasis, humans and cats will be able to bond and realize the mutual benefits of each others' company, while friends and fellow cat lovers share a pot of tea and a truly special experience. Little Lions will be a tranquil space where one can come and drink unique varieties of locally procured teas; taking advantage of the numerous health benefits associated with tea. Little Lions will not only be a wonderful refuge for our cats, but will also be a beautifully designed space that will provide our human visitors with a lovely place to relax and unwind."
posted by danabanana (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, we've got a no-currently-active-fundraisers rule for the front page. Fine to post about this later when the fundraising drive is over. -- cortex

I think Purina or one of those petfood companies did something similar recently in the popup space on Kenmare and Bowery? It was only temporary and I missed it.
Heard they have these in Japan too.
posted by pravit at 5:08 PM on September 29, 2014

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