Fair trade organic coffee store owners by day but by night....
September 21, 2015 6:22 PM   Subscribe

West Ashville, NC, living wage certified, locally sourced, coffee store owners discovered to be the podcasters and bloggers intimately detailing their female "conquests." Suffice to say, their apology isn't accepted.
posted by youdontmakefriendswithsalad (2 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: These dudes' writings are repulsive and awful, but I don't know what more there is to this beyond putting more eyes on this horrible offensive highly-personal stuff about particular women they've been with. -- LobsterMitten

posted by unknownmosquito at 6:24 PM on September 21, 2015

We’re going to close for the next couple days so we can have some room for introspection. We want to allow ourselves to be accountable to our friends, family, employees, clergy, and counselors for our actions, and give ourselves room to be silent and reflect. These attitudes were not grown in a day, and they will not be destroyed in a day. We want to humbly commit to that process. We’re not good people, but we want to be.

I hope they go out of business fast. What utterly vile and disgusting people. This statement is so phony it's like they asked Josh Duggar to help them write it.
posted by discopolo at 6:29 PM on September 21, 2015 [1 favorite]

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