our nightmare
May 24, 2016 6:58 AM   Subscribe

"As the writer Dan O’Sullivan once put it on Twitter, “Our political future: a snakepit of insane fascists on one side, & on the other, a Wall Street party that’s culturally liberal & nothing more.” Whenever I talk about this, I get people saying “lol that’s already here!” But their cynicism reveals a deeper naiveté. First, they overestimate how much work has actually been done to diversify the elite, which remains stubbornly male and white. Second, they don’t recognize how much worse this can all get. It can always, always get worse. Today, there is a least an ostensible connection between the liberalism of diversity and the leftism of equality. Tomorrow, even that thin thread might be cut forever, and so much the worse for us."
posted by p3on (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this seems like fightbait about subjects we've got open posts on already - election, academic climate, inequality, etc. -- LobsterMitten


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