Unbearable News
October 15, 2016 12:58 PM   Subscribe

Pedals the bear reportedly killed by an archer's arrow. Supporters of Pedals allege that a hunter who has wanted the bear dead for nearly 3 years finally succeeded.
posted by guiseroom (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Eh, that's shitty but I'm not sure CNN Reports Bear Dead is really great for a post either. -- cortex

"They told us everyone gathered around the truck," she said. "The state biologists confirmed it was Pedals and they all took pictures and the guy was bragging about trying to get Pedals for three years."

What a shitbag. This is your brave hunting story?
posted by Artw at 1:22 PM on October 15, 2016 [1 favorite]

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