The Only Article You Need To Read About Why Trump Voters Are Angry
November 3, 2016 1:56 PM   Subscribe

I couldn’t help but notice that people in Bleaksville are angry. My suspicions were confirmed when I spoke to Ed Sherman, a sixty-seven-year-old retired teacher who has a thirty-seven-foot-tall sign outside his house that reads “Barack Obama Is A Demogorgon From Hell.” Though he believes that Obama is a secret member of ISIS who has recruited Hillary Clinton to smooth the group’s transition into witchcraft, he insists his support for Trump has nothing to do with race or gender.

The NYRB and the New Yorker have two of the most eloquent examples, but now that 'who supports Trump' articles have become a cottage industry, I think The Awl has really nailed the form.
posted by TheProfessor (0 comments total)

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