August 13, 2002
12:47 PM   Subscribe

Apple unveils new G4 Macs. Sorry, still no G5. But now you get two of everything: 2 processors (standard), 2 video cards to choose from with dual digital display support, etc. Now with patended "XServe" technology under the hood.
posted by robbie01 (1 comment total)

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But what I find more disturbing than the non-existance of the G5 is the palpable change in Apple's marketing style, design-wise. Gone now from their website is the tried and true Apple Garamond that's carried them so far, to be replaced by the overly-popular Myriad. This change seemed to be introduced in a small dose back with the eMac. But now something else: where are the cute headlines? "Introducing the New Power Mac G4"?? What happened to "Yum."? Was there an agency change, or is Apple's more somber identity indicative of the climate change in the economy? What's next, a billboard saying "Buy our new laptop."?
posted by robbie01 at 12:51 PM on August 13, 2002

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