In Post-Soviet Russia, The Simpsons Jokes Laugh At You!
January 11, 2022 3:38 AM   Subscribe


Who needs hypersonic missiles when we have The Fox 'We Took the Crypto out of Crypto-Fascist Since January 6, 2022!' Network with The Simpsons in its quiver?

U!S!A! U!S!A! U!S!A!
posted by y2karl at 3:58 AM on January 11, 2022 [2 favorites]

Isn’t The Simpsons now a Disney property?
posted by acb at 5:20 AM on January 11, 2022

This is great fun, even to someone who only knows 80 words in the language.

I am kind of sad Family Guy escaped the continent. (I've met some dudes in Krasnoyarsk who could have been cast.) I'd be very curious to see what people from distant cultures make of it. I'm guessing it'll be like the Bollywood films that I find totally incompressible.

[Edit: also laughing at the Putin jokes. In an ironic way.]
posted by eotvos at 5:20 AM on January 11, 2022

The "Soviet" intro is brilliant!
posted by chavenet at 6:00 AM on January 11, 2022

I studied abroad in Russia in the early 2000s and watched tried to watch the Simpsons when it was on TV each night. A bit tough because it was overdubbed and the English was too audible for me to concentrate on the Russian.

At the time, though, Married, with Children was beginning its dominance of Russian TV and there was a solid block of that show every night. That show's story in Russia is very interesting (I think there was an FPP years ago, but can't find it): Russian TV ran all the old episodes for years with dubbed acting; then they refilmed all the original episodes with Russian actors; then they hired some of the original American writers to write new episodes for the Russian actors.

There's also a documentary, Exporting Raymond, about the difficulty of making a Russian version of Everybody Loves Raymond.
posted by msbrauer at 7:14 AM on January 11, 2022 [5 favorites]

Isn’t The Simpsons now a Disney property?

Yes, and once Disney's acquisition of Russia closes at some point in the near future, most or all of these problems should just quietly go away.
posted by Naberius at 7:19 AM on January 11, 2022 [5 favorites]

The "Soviet" intro is brilliant!

If you mean The Simpsons couch gag intro - Russian Art Film, which is same as the Previously posted by Dobbs as Симпсоны, oh God, isn't it!?

After encountering one so weirdly charming in its rustic voiceover over voiceover way Best JoKeS clip on YouTube after another yesterday after visiting a friend's Factbook page in the midst of making my Homo Ludens post yesterday, that I ended up Googling up a plethora of related fascinating links. Which I used to make this post.

In the midst of that, I began to wonder if a lot of those links had already been posted, worried, then took a deep breath, counted to three, didn't look and soldiered on because there were just so many cool links and aspects. As Симпсоны was the only one previously posted, I noted that and hence this post.
posted by y2karl at 7:50 AM on January 11, 2022 [2 favorites]

A bit tough because it was overdubbed and the English was too audible for me to concentrate on the Russian.

There's a whole other story in that part and I wonder wonder why, msbrauer.

Yes, and once Disney's acquisition of Russia closes at some point in the near future, most or all of these problems should just quietly go away.

I am sticking with my own possibly over-romantic conclusions about the insidious power of The Simpsons myself but let us hope so, Naberius, let us hope.
posted by y2karl at 8:01 AM on January 11, 2022 [1 favorite]

Ask and ye shall receive. Thank you thank you thank you so so so much, Teegeeack AV Club Secretary!
posted by y2karl at 10:25 AM on January 11, 2022 [1 favorite]

Yes, and once Disney's acquisition of Russia closes at some point in the near future, most or all of these problems should just quietly go away.

Well, unless they turn Putin & minions into a claustrophobic enclosed Haunted House Roller Coaster ride, that is...
posted by y2karl at 4:05 PM on January 12, 2022

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