"the western media — who turned Neda into a martyr — ignored Marwa's story."
October 26, 2009 9:40 AM   Subscribe

"The 31-year-old, who was three-months pregnant with her second child, bled to death. Ms Sherbini's three-year-old son was with the family in court when she was killed. Her husband Elwy Ali Okaz was stabbed as he tried to protect his wife. He was also accidentally shot in the leg by German police who initially believed him to be the attacker." The trial of a man accused of stabbing a pregnant Egyptian woman to death inside a German courtroom has begun in the city of Dresden.

Meanwhile, Katie Couric, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Neda Soltan are now involved in this story.

When Couric asked the Iranian leader to explain why he is so evil, and why Neda Soltan is dead, he expressed his regret, and continued to ask why "the western media — who turned Neda into a martyr — ignored Marwa's story".

Should Women who are conspicuously Islamic begin to live in fear? Is our silence tacit approval?

Anderson is already dubbing this Ms. Couric's "Sarah Palin moment."
posted by infinite intimation (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: this sounds like a truly horrible thing. And yet the sarahpalinmoment tag and the res tof the editorializing -- plus the above the fold ladytorture that I'm growing so tired of -- make this a bad post for MetaFilter. -- jessamyn

When Couric asked the Iranian leader to explain why he is so evil

While I'm sure that would be a very interesting question, I'm skeptical that it's the one she in fact asked. I'm not sure you need to amp up excitement level on this post with that kind of editorializing.

Should Women who are conspicuously Islamic begin to live in fear?

See, this is what I'm talking about.
posted by Horace Rumpole at 9:58 AM on October 26, 2009

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