September 2, 2000
3:32 PM   Subscribe

So I was paging through the special section of Indymedia devoted to the upcoming Melbourne protests, and came across a page about Melbourne University. Apparently their Student Union voted to skip the S11 protest because they thought too many flat-out anarchists and professional agitators were trying to take charge. So someone posts on Indymedia that this is a case where "democracy was ineffective." What? You lose the vote so there must be something wrong with voting?
posted by aaron (5 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Ahh the wonderful MSU. What can we say? They'll protest anything and everything, as long as someone holds their hands. This isn't the first thing they've backed out of. I attend MU so I know what I'm on about too. And no, I didn't vote but I sure as hell saw all the notices on the toilet doors...the only place they advertise these days!
posted by justnobody at 3:43 PM on September 2, 2000

Apparently their Student Union voted to skip the S11 protest because they thought too many flat-out anarchists and professional agitators were trying to take charge.

If this is true (I'm not at all familiar with the situation) then the MUSU must be rather cowardly and lame; in which case, who cares?
posted by johnb at 4:38 PM on September 2, 2000

sorry, that link should be: MUSU (which is unavailable anyway, last time I checked)
posted by johnb at 4:43 PM on September 2, 2000

Reason I heard that Melbourne Uni pulled out (I'm at Swinburne) was because the s11 members wanted $12K from the SU to cover costs (propaganda, etc)

Other members of the SU who didn't support s11 cracked the shits and complained

so they voted, and ended up refusing funding.
posted by cheaily at 5:37 PM on September 2, 2000

From what I've read, more than just funding is at stake...for example, see this article on the MUSU's undemocratic tactics.

The Union is apparently closely associated with the Labor Party (a right-wing/neo-liberal party, despite the name), and in that light a lot of what they're doing comes across as petty and transparently political. (As for part about funding, on the other hand, I don't see why it is necessary. )

BTW, in addition to and indymedia-melbourne, this Green Left Weekly site is also useful for catching up on s11 related news.
posted by johnb at 5:47 PM on September 2, 2000

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