Logo Contest
April 24, 2001 1:43 PM   Subscribe

Logo Contest. Winner will receive US $10,000. Submissions accepted from Thursday March 22 to Wednesday June 22, 2001.
posted by I am Generic (7 comments total)
Kibo has some hilarious reviews of recent corporate logo makeovers if you need some inspiration.
posted by straight at 2:35 PM on April 24, 2001

Dare you to not use blue.
posted by dan_of_brainlog at 2:39 PM on April 24, 2001

Although I have a feeling a lot of creative-types hang out here, if this link had been posted to a more design-related forum, I'm sure many would be up in arms.

The basic argument is that "contests" like this are an easy way for organizations to get a lot of free work done. Many people don't realize that just because designers don't have to hammer things or get sweaty, that design isn't "real" work with real value.

Designers go through just as much training and have just as much investment in their careers and skillsets as any other profession. But would anyone else be able to get away with asking the world to, say, paint their house -- and then only pay the person whose work they liked the most?

A dubious proposition at best.

The only silver lining to this cloud is that the more people that find out about this contest, the more this organization will be diluted with incredibly bad, Photoshopped-to-all-hell "logos" put out by hundreds of wanna-bees with no idea what constitutes a real identity.

They'll probably regret the process, and end up with something they're not entirely happy with. And having the public vote on the finalists is another no-no for both the abovementioned design aesthetic (or lack thereof) and for security reasons... I doubt this Water Commission has much back-end security against those who would decide to flood the voting booths electronically.
posted by rsinclair at 4:46 PM on April 24, 2001

Excerpts from their website:

"Shortage of fresh water is looming as the most serious obstacle to food security, poverty reduction and protection of the environment."

"Excess water is also a huge problem."

So, essentially, there is not enough water and there's way too much water. And these disasters combine to form...
posted by kcalder at 5:01 PM on April 24, 2001

If it were a Lego Logo contest, I might consider sending in a submission. <homer>Hee, hee, look at that turtle go!</homer>
posted by rschram at 5:30 PM on April 24, 2001

essentially, there is not enough water and there's way too much water. And these disasters combine to form... THE WORLD WATER FORUM!!!

A tidal wave threatening to consume a desert... there's your logo idea.
posted by kindall at 5:41 PM on April 24, 2001

> if this link had been posted to a more design-related
> forum, I'm sure many would be up in arms

No shit. Not only do they think a contest is a good way to design a logo, but look how they expect to judge the results:

> These will be displayed on the 3rd World Water Forum
> web site and the public invited to vote for the best
> design.

Not only a million monkeys doing the work, but another million monkeys voting to choose the winner.

Speaking of which, this just in: "In a gala, chimp-studded affair at the Shrine Auditorium, bananas swept the Primates' Choice Awards for the 42nd year in a row Monday, winning such categories as Best Food, Best Fruit, and Best Dessert."
posted by pracowity at 12:26 AM on April 25, 2001

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