March 25, 2006
East Europe IV Drug Use Images
Be Warned: some very disturbing and NSFW intravenous drug abuse images from Eastern Europe.
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DIY subcutaneous RFID tagging
Black and viscous, bound to cure blue lethargy
US Army acknowledges "Peak Oil" - Jay Hanson has been beating the Peak Oil drum for years now. Well, "dieoff" scenarios aside, the US Army has now joined in : “The days of inexpensive, convenient, abundant energy sources are quickly drawing to a close". Indeed. "Mexico's giant Cantarell oilfield, which has financed government spending and held down U.S. gasoline prices for 20 years, is facing a production decline, a prospect that could heighten U.S. dependence on Middle East oil.". There's even a community discussion site on "Peak Oil"
Well, HELLO reality.
Well, HELLO reality.
The King of Bombs
"Ivan", aka "Tsar Bomba" was detonated on October 30, 1961. It made "Ivy Mike" look like a firecracker.
Geek Pr0n
I'm thinking so loudly I can't hear myself think
NASA researchers can hear what you're saying, even when you don't make a sound. When we speak in our minds, we send weak electrical signals to our larynx and tounge. Tricksy new technology is able to interpret these micromovements into the words we were thinking.
Private Rocket
This so reminded me of ...... Salvage (1979) (TV)
Andy Griffith stars as a junkyard owner who builds a space ship from his scrap pile in order to retrieve valuable parts left on the moon by American Astronauts.
Please discuss..................
Web savvy
I am computer literate! I have 22 years in computer systems engineering and operation. Now, can you tell me how to remove "your software" that you acknowledge you provided free of charge? I consider this "hacking". I have no fear of the media, in fact I welcome this publicity.
Act Naturally
Buck Owens 'Hee Haw' country star dies at 76
an ever-widening gulf between official language and the reality of the actual situation in Baghdad
Prisoners of their Bureaus--the Besieged Press of Baghdad What it's like to be a journalist in Iraq now--and especially relevant given the current attacks on the media for not reporting all the good that's happening in Iraq-- ...
an ever-widening gulf between official language and the reality of the actual situation in Baghdad. While official language is relentlessly upbeat, the already nightmarish reality has been getting worse with each passing day. ... the insurgent attacks on the US forces and Iraqi government and the sectarian fighting between Sunnis and Shiites have become destructive beyond what most journalists have been able to convey ... (NY Review of Books)
o/` We like the cars / the cars that have smilie faces on them? o/`
PimpStar Wheels are the latest in *bling* for your truck or SUV, with some impressive (embedded video) technology.
Being John Malkovich Frank Sinatra,
Today is International Waffle Day. All around the globe, people are lining up at their favourite waffle establishments, waiting for that wonderful grid-laden batter construct we all love. Catholics refer to March 25th as the "Feast of the Annunciation", but we all know that's really code for "Feast of Countless Tasty Waffles".
The Digital Bridges Project
The Digital Bridges Project Digitized 19th century bridge engineering documents. Luckily for people like me, they've collected links to all the illustrations on one page. See for instance an amazing chronological series of pictures documenting the construction in 1892 of the 330 feet high, 3000 foot long, Pecos Viaduct in Texas.
Why bother?
Freed and ungrateful? "Norman Kember, the freed peace activist, will arrive back in Britain today amid growing controversy over his failure publicly to thank the military forces who rescued him."
"Rescued British hostage Norman Kember yesterday refused to fly home from Iraq in a RAF military jet." Kember is a member of the Christian Peacemaker Teams: Committed to reducing violence by "getting in the way".
This is not the first controversy regarding western hostages freed in Iraq.
Former kidnap victim Susanne Osthoff kept parts of the ransom money:
"Politicians and the public were yesterday asking new questions about her ordeal. Many have lost patience with Miss Osthoff, a convert to Islam, since she declared her intention to return to Iraq and failed to thank them for their efforts to free her."
Former kidnap victim Giuliana Sgrena was accused of cooperating with her abductors.
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