June 21, 2000
Kottke offers a good critique of online discussions (like MeFi), and he makes some excellent suggestions on how to improve them. He quotes an unnamed source: "The problem with online forums is that those who have very little to contribute participate the most while those with valuable information to share participate the least." Now, let's try to keep the conversation cordial...
Anonymously written freeware lets YOU bust a Napster/Gnutella user.
Anonymously written freeware lets YOU bust a Napster/Gnutella user. Anonymously written by the RIAA, no doubt.
Deepleap have undergone a much-anticipated revision. You can now make your information available, just like this wishlist, or these bookmarks.
Hate your neighbor???
Hate your neighbor??? I wonder why I never thought of doing this to the neighbor that accused me of smoking pot... in front of my mom, for Heaven's sake. Those were the days...
Forget the water on mars, the Israeli parliament and the nuclear disc drives... Here's the news we really wanted to know:
Forget the water on mars, the Israeli parliament and the nuclear disc drives... Here's the news we really wanted to know:
The corporate-pawn pseudo-weblogger Net Buzz seems to have a scoop on the winners of the Bulwer-Lytton Bad Writing Contest (the entries above are NOT on the official site). These may not be for real, (the contest has never listed them in a Top 10) but they're funny enough to see me through until the real thing comes along. (#2 and #1 are kinda predictable, but #6 should appeal to all us MeFi Narcisists)
The corporate-pawn pseudo-weblogger Net Buzz seems to have a scoop on the winners of the Bulwer-Lytton Bad Writing Contest (the entries above are NOT on the official site). These may not be for real, (the contest has never listed them in a Top 10) but they're funny enough to see me through until the real thing comes along. (#2 and #1 are kinda predictable, but #6 should appeal to all us MeFi Narcisists)
One last one before I run out to dinner (sorry for running off at the keyboard this afternoon, folks...)
The Supreme Court had to rule on this? That scares me a *lot*.
The Supreme Court had to rule on this? That scares me a *lot*.
Do you use Microsoft Word?
Do you use Microsoft Word? Or does Microsoft Word use you.
This story is *actually* about Lexis,
This story is *actually* about Lexis, who got their case file in the first place by stealing it from West, suing Jurisline, who in turn bought their CD's and mounted them on a free website, and winning.
Lawyers, in particular, may find this one interesting...
Lawyers, in particular, may find this one interesting...
Feds offer cookies to drug seekers.
Where am I going, and why am I in this handbasket?
Where am I going, and why am I in this handbasket? What's happening to copyright law lately, why, why ignoring it may well be the best thing to do to fix it, and why Mickey Mouse is a Yakuza. Very nice piece from (former?) EFF Legal Counsel Mike Godwin
Pyra.com Ltd. is now Pyra Labs (dot com limited)
Pyra.com Ltd. is now Pyra Labs (dot com limited)
So is the redesign/rebranding the long overdue second announcement of the Week of Two Announcements?
And when are we going to hear about the money (Remember "It's not VC money, it's cool/smart money...")
So is the redesign/rebranding the long overdue second announcement of the Week of Two Announcements?
And when are we going to hear about the money (Remember "It's not VC money, it's cool/smart money...")
F.Y.I. the second round of Pimpwars has begun with sign-ups starting last night. New in the 2nd version: 20 members per alliance, 3 different types of weapons, but still the same ole laying the smack down on people.
This could be your sysadmins ...
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