December 28, 2016

The Gay Blade: An Independent Publication Serving the Gay Community

Through an ongoing partnership with the DC Public Library, digitized issues from the first decades of LGBT newspaper The Washington Blade (1969-) are now freely available online. [more inside]
posted by waninggibbon at 11:02 PM PST - 7 comments

“...the platform that could.”

PlayStation Vita: Is It Better to Burn Bright Than to Fade Away? [Playstation Lifestyle] “For PlayStation Vita, Sony hasn’t cut ties with its beloved handheld just yet. Third-party AAA support may be dwindling, but perhaps out of necessity the device has become more of a thriving hotspot for indie darlings, quirky Japanese titles and tactile platformers, and less a platform that boasts console gaming on the go. It’s been a funny old road for Sony’s handheld, though signs point to the PlayStation Vita motoring on for the foreseeable future, even if the Japanese platform holder’s attention, marketing and stage time will soon be occupied by PlayStation VR. The install base may have plateaued, but so long as the two-fold relationship between developers supporting the device and consumers picking up those ports — not matter how long they take to arrive — Vita will continue to exist as “the platform that could.” Let’s just hope we’ll be saying the same when its 5th birthday rolls around.” [more inside]
posted by Fizz at 9:01 PM PST - 34 comments

The blood you’ve donated could be in somebody’s boner right now.

Shower Thoughts is a tumblr that often steals from r/showerthoughts. Best Of Shower Thoughts has some classics. (previously)
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 8:32 PM PST - 52 comments

"Neo-Sithism and Neo-Imperialism are the same ideology."

Leia Organa: A Critical Obituary
Leia Organa, the politician and revolutionary who led the defeat of the Galactic Empire, died after a short illness. She was 60 years old. Hers was a life laced with controversy concerning everything from her tactics to her very ancestry, but her intelligence, commitment to the Republican cause, and place at the heart of the Rebellion, and later the Resistance against Neo-Imperialism, remains the indisputable core of her legacy.
posted by Faint of Butt at 8:14 PM PST - 32 comments


Debbie Reynolds has died at the age of 84.
posted by DRoll at 6:12 PM PST - 172 comments

Weather forecasts, uncensored

Adam Evans, New Hampshire's Hillbilly Weatherman gives it to you straight, no expletives deleted. Current storm report. Semi-disjointed website with past reports. Randomly organized YouTube channel. Facebook page. Better chronological set of videos. Is he for real? View this profile, in which he tries out at his local TV station.
posted by beagle at 4:57 PM PST - 18 comments

If it’s a tenuous connection going back many years he should state that.

Author Joseph Boyden defends Indigenous heritage after investigation. [more inside]
posted by kneecapped at 4:20 PM PST - 24 comments

Scout Law says: a Scout must be kind. Mostly. Sometimes. Or not.

NJ Boy Scouts kick out 8-year old Joe Maldonado who is transgender. “It made me mad,” Joe, said. “I had a sad face, but I wasn’t crying. I’m way more angry than sad. My identity is a boy. If I was them, I would let every person in the world go in. It’s right to do.” [more inside]
posted by Mike Mongo at 2:53 PM PST - 138 comments

Musical Chord Progression Arpeggiator

Here's a cool tool for trying out various chords.
posted by Foci for Analysis at 1:44 PM PST - 19 comments


A video of a man passing out repeatedly on a rollercoaster becomes magnificent with the addition of Windows shutdown/startup sounds. (SLYT)
posted by DirtyOldTown at 11:12 AM PST - 37 comments

"Never ever, ever, ever, ever... Not in this universe or any other."

Rafaël Rozendaal's mysterious website/artwork, a virtual safe with a combination lock, has stood unopened since its creation in 2009. The artist has released a definitive statement regarding the combination on his website, about which he is asked frequently. This would seem to imply that there there is a combination, and that it can be unlocked, however that may not necessarily be the case. [more inside]
posted by Krazor at 10:45 AM PST - 17 comments

What to Do When Grandma Has Dementia

Working while caregiving can take a big toll on you. Caregivers who have full-time day jobs suffer from poor health, low work productivity, and emotional burnout and breakdowns. The important thing is to always get enough sleep, and keep your nutrition up—take vitamins. You have to keep a disciplined schedule. Wake up at this time, do you, then do Grandma, then do you again, then do Grandma once more and be off to work. After work, come home and do Grandma, then do you, then do Grandma till she falls asleep, then do yourself once more and go to bed. Somewhere in-between the Grandma and the you and the work, don’t forget to do God. [more inside]
posted by narancia at 9:50 AM PST - 17 comments

The Best Medicine

2016 was a very, very bad year no matter how you slice it. In tough times, comedy is often a form of escape that people turn to when they need comforting. With that in mind, [Splitsider] asked our contributors to pick the one piece of comedy in any form that they turn to when they really need cheering up. We’ll be sharing their choices throughout the week in a package we’re calling “The Best Medicine.”
posted by Etrigan at 9:44 AM PST - 11 comments

Watching you watch

50 maps of the U.S. cultural divide (NYT) - based on Facebook "likes" of TV shows.
posted by hilaryjade at 5:55 AM PST - 75 comments

Through a Glass, Dark Enlightenment

The World's Largest Hedge Fund Is Building an Algorithmic Model of Its Founder's Brain - "Mr. Dalio has the highest stratum score at Bridgewater, and the firm has told employees he has one of the highest in the world. Likewise, Bridgewater's software judges Mr. Dalio the firm's most 'believable' employee in matters such as investing and leadership, which means his opinions carry more weight. Mr. Dalio is always in search of new data with which to measure his staff. He once raised the idea of using head bands to track people's brain waves, according to one former employee. The idea wasn't adopted." [more inside]
posted by kliuless at 4:04 AM PST - 80 comments

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