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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 matches for tags across posts favorited by interrobang.
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Tagged medieval art databases
Manuscript Miniatures, Effigies & Brasses, Armour in Art, and Aquamanilia are four online databases of medieval art. Together they comprise some 19,506 images. Despite the generic title, Manuscript Miniatures is actually focused on "miniatures depicting armoured figures from the medieval period [i.e. pre-1450 Europe]". However, extensive list of tags includes many non-armor related ...
Riding the rails, safely
Railbikes are pretty self-explanatory. You take a bike, attach an extra wheel sidecar-style, jump on some railroad tracks, and ride. There's no need to steer, so you can look around as you pedal. You stick to abandoned railroad tracks so there's no surprises either. It's not a new idea, dating back well over 100 years to the first bikes, and recently even custom bike builders have devised their ... (keyword in HTML)
Too many tags, nothing to do.
What's a cool project/thing to do with thousands of RFID tags? Each one is on a sticky avery sheet like this.
Can be as artsy or whacky as you want.
MP3 Tag Help in OS X
Anyone know of an applet that creates MP3 tag info from file names for Mac OS X? We just made the switch from Windows to Mac, and have only hit one snag. My SO has his entire MP3 collection sorted by file name (i.e. "Artist - Song.mp3") without any meaningful tags or metadata. Now that the PCs are gone, he's realized that iTunes doesn't care for his old naming system. I'm not up yet ...