Favorites from itshaytime
Displaying post 1 to 49 of 49
I don't know anyone at my college; I want friends, parties, and hookups
I'm finally realizing that even though I'm at a huge school, people won't just magically come to me, so I'm trying to make new friends, go new places, and enjoy myself. I want to be the guy that everyone knows, who is always busy. Problem is, I don't understand how to start since I don't know anyone, and since I've been in this situation for two years now, I can't play the "new in town" card anymore. Help?
Best practices for seducing someone after having the "just friends" talk
I met this girl, and we were sorta-dating for a couple of weeks, before eventually she decided she wasn't up for dating anyone at the moment and we had the "just friends" talk. I'm fine with that, but would like AMF's advice on best practices for making her have second thoughts. This is less of a bad idea than it might seem, I promise.
What's the middle ground between "F.U!" and "Welcome!"?
One of my wife's distant friends has attempted to invite herself to stay with us, again. She did this last March, and we used the excuse of me starting a new job and needing to do x, y, and z as well as the "out of town" excuse for any remaining dates. This got us off scot-free, but we both knew the time would come again... and it's here. We need a final solution.
Structured activities where a shy guy can meet women?
What are some structured activities where I (early 30s, male) can meet women in their 20s/30s? I'm specifically looking for activities that involve an ongoing group with structured interaction between participants, because I'm not good at starting up conversations on my own.
How do I ensure things stay platonic, but friendly, with this guy?
I just got asked by email to meet for drinks by this guy in my Meetup group. He's a nice person, and I'd like to be friends. I have a boyfriend, and I don't think he knows this. How do I politely deflect?
How can I turn him down without crushing him?
How can I avoid leading a guy on when he won't come out and state his attraction?
Attraction across races
Are you attracted to people of races different from your own?
Is a homemade gift a good way to show a guy I'm interested?
I like a guy. I don't know how he feels about me. Would it be weird to make him a gift?
I like her, she doesn't like me, but she won't go away.
DatingFilter: She knows I have feelings for her which she doesn't reciprocate, but she won't leave me alone.
Simple Question
Can I Buy You a Coffee?
"Harassment isn’t once. Harassment comes from a lifetime of dealing with people constantly doing things to you, whether you wanted them or not, at random intervals. You learn not to trust people. And what might have been pleasant, once, as an isolated incident, starts to feel pretty oppressive when it’s something you deal with on a weekly basis. It changes you, and then guys call you bitchy when you don’t feel like playing along and pretending this is just about the coffee."
Help me not dress like a slob anymore
Dressing as an adult... for men.
I've spent a bunch of time randomly googling and browsing through clothing regailer sites and blogs, but haven't come across quite what i'm looking for. As a man who doesn't like to shop, I would love to find a web-site that has photos of people wearing clothing that I like... along with links to where I can purchase those clothes. Seems simple, right? Well, not so fast.
But really, how *do* you make friends in a new city?
No, but really, how do you make friends after college?
How does one actually succeed in dating?
What does it take for someone to actually want something to do with you?
Help me to become disarmingly (fill in the blank)
Some people have this mysterious ability to be - disarming. Please explain this skill and help me learn it!
I'm not cut out for modern dating. Please help!
I'm not cut out for modern dating. Please help!
True friends vs. acquaintances
What are the little things I should do to deepen relationships from the good acquaintance level to true friend level?
Why did your best friends become your best friends?
A Year in a Minute
What are your 30s like?
Unhealthily jealous of the attention my girlfriend gets from guys
Guys are always hitting on my girlfriend and making it clear that she is out of my league, how do I stop being jealous MeFi?
Almost 29 and eternally single, HELP!
I turn 29 in a couple weeks and would like to be in a relationship. What can I do differently?
Am I going about online dating correctly?
This online dating thing is sort of working out, in that I'm getting dates with great people, but it never seems to move beyond 3-4 dates and I'm getting the kind of vagueness I got when I was in high school. How aggressive do I need to be?
Is this the beginning of the end?
I've been with my boyfriend for four years. For the first time in our relationship, I am interested in someone else. What does this mean, and what should I do?
Mid-Life Virgin?
I am a 30-year-old Chicago male, and I am still a virgin.
Need someone to help me run 'Google Translate' on a woman ...
I'm a man in his thirties who has gone on very few dates in his life, and I'm having trouble getting a good read on the behavior of a woman who I've been interacting with.
Drop that zero and get with the hero
If the woman of my affections has been dating some other guy for a year -- a relationship she has said is "not that serious," in frequent playful e-mails to me -- what strategy is smarter? Stay in a queue until she becomes available? Ask what's up? Steal her away? Can anyone share successful or unsuccessful ploys to turn the other guy into the Baxter, when the woman involved is a pretty neat friend you'd like to avoid losing?
How to handle unrequited love with a best friend?
Is it possible to remain friends with someone you're in love with?
How do I make him stop?
My housemate is in love with me and I am going bonkers.
Not-obvious things you shouldn't say to women
What are some not-obvious things you can't/shouldn't say to women?
Help me get the most out of OKCupid!
What should I be expecting from OKCupid? Assume my profile is just fine.
Strikeout for the awakwrd guy
This is a follow up to my previous question. Made a move on a girl who I thought had some interest in me. I thought wrong, apparently...
Please tell me what to do next...
What's the next step in this relationship? Should I make a move? Why is this so confusing?
Where are the single thirtysomethings outside of OKCupid?
You're a woman in your 30s looking to meet men for dating/relationships. What are you doing to meet people OUTSIDE OF online dating sites?
How does the dumper feel?
How does the dumper feel?
How do I overcome my lack of relationship experience?
I'm a normal, well-adjusted, heterosexual, 30 year old male. And I'm a virgin. How do I get past this?
In Love With a Friend
I've fallen in love with one of my best female friends, someone I have practically no chance of ever being with, and I'm unsure of how to deal with the situation. Do I cut her off completely and try to get over it? Do I act like nothing's happened and continue to be her friend despite the fact that it gets worse every time I talk to her? Do I ask her to give me space without telling her why? Help me, mefites; this is rotting me from the inside out.
The ultimate "Why am I single?" thread
If you were single for a while and somehow got out of it, how did you?
How can I help a friend not be a Nice Guy?
How can I help a friend avoid the "nice guy" trap?
How can an attached girl make friends with single guys? Or can she?
Help a girl make guy friends with a minimum of misunderstandings. (Despite a history of misunderstandings.)
I am female, in my late 20s. I am in a committed relationship that is about to temporarily become long-distance. I am about to enter an environment (MBA program) where male students outnumber females three to one.
Les Liaisons Dangereuses?: What is flirting, and am I doing it?
What is flirting? And am I doing it?
Lets just be friends.
How should a woman make it clear to a man she has just met that she is interested in being friends, even good friends, but not interested romantically?
How to flirt
I'm not good at flirting. In fact, when I am interested, I tend to be somewhat distant, for fear of embarassing myself. How do I get better at flirting? in a nice way
what makes you think someone is attracted to you?
Attraction detection: what makes you think someone is attracted to you? (not what makes you attracted to them) and how accurate are people's beliefs that someone is attracted to them?
Dating/socializing 101 for introverts
An introvert in an extrovert's world - Teach a perennial shy guy how to navigate dating and relationships
help me tell cute classmate I am seeing someone.
I am currently seeing someone, but foolishly I have begun to talk to and flirt with a cute girl in one of my classes, and now I think that she likes me and I have to tell her that I am seeing someone, what do I do?
I'm unavailable and not really interested in snogging you...but please think I'm brilliant and awesome and hot!
Why am I addicted to male attention? And how do I stop?
Help me flirt like a man?
How do men and women flirt differently? I'm a straight man who often comes off as feminine or gay, and I don't like it. I think it's ruining my success with women. Help?
How do I read people's interest?
SocialSkillsFilter: How can I become better at reading people, and telling whether or not someone is interested in pursuing a friendship farther?
Should I ask her out?
She's got a boyfriend. . .should I give it up or go full steam ahead?
When is it okay to ask someone out?
Great with online dating, not so much in the real world. How can I better recognize when it's okay to ask someone out?
I miss my boyfriend. This other guys is nice. Help!
Am I emotionally cheating on my boyfriend?