Favorites from PuzzlingPurist
Displaying post 1 to 14 of 14
me too
If every person who has been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote "Me too" as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.
Me too is sweeping across facebook and Twitter. Note: this is a post about sexual harassment and assault.
Me cry, he yell.
My partner gets angry when I cry sometimes and I don't understand why.
How can you recognize a secure person if you’re insecure?
Am I ruining a great relationship with my anxiety or am I anxious because my relationship is not great? Is there a way to tell the difference between irrational anxiety and alarm bells?
The opposite of rape culture is nurturance culture
"Violence and nurturance are two sides of the same coin. I struggle to understand this even as I write it."
From Nora Samaran, author of Dating Tips for the Feminist Man (previously).
Ask not what your wife can ask for you to do
Mental Load:
why women still do most of the work at home.
Narcissist, narcissism
How to Recognize a Narcissist.
We all have to deal with difficult people. Some days we can be pretty difficult ourselves. Recognizing the difference between normal difficulties and personality disorders can be crucial to decisions about entering new relationships and continuing existing relationships.
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) invariably leave a wake of damage behind them in social arenas of all kinds.
Sad Boner Confessionals
"You can tell you’re reading a Sad Boner Confessional when a man is describing the worst trauma of a woman’s life purely in terms of what it means about him. "
After the Huffington Post picked up "self-described "Media Activist" Ian MacKenzie's blog post "Love Will be the Death of Us" (warning: Huffpo), author Alexandra Erin (previously, previously) had some thoughts on the narcissistic and self-serving genre of author confessional.
How do I bring up emotional labor in my relationship?
The emotional labor conversation on the blue has really affected me but I don't know how to deal with it.
My boyfriend is not good-on-paper. Do such relationships ever work?
I’m crazy about my boyfriend of 7 months (it hurts when we are apart!), but he has some traits to his personality that might make him difficult to live with long term. While lurking on AskMe for quite some time now, trying to find solutions to some of our problems, I see a lot of responses such as “dump him, you will find someone with all these good qualities, who also treats you right in other ways.” I’m sure there’s truth to that, but I’m 38 (he is 39) and last time I was in love I was 20. Love doesn’t come around all that often for me.
GF is more successful than me, how do I deal?
My girlfriend is more successful than me. How do I keep myself from turning into a jealous weird guy? I want to celebrate and support her success, without getting bummed out and feeling emasculated. Looking for strategies (non-redpill) on how to not let this get to me, not blow my budget, and maintain my sense of masculinity.
Best intro to meditation with some structure? Book? App? Etc
Zen Masters, help me? What's a great introductory program for meditation? I need something that will give me daily assignments (ideal would be every day for a month, but I can adapt). It can be a book, an app, a website, whatever. And yes, I know there are many different types of meditation and I will be learning for the rest of my life. I just need something with a bit of structure to get myself and a friend into the habit and hold each other accountable. Thoughts? Thanks guys.
“Where’s My Cut?”: On Unpaid Emotional Labor
Housework is not work. Sex work is not work. Emotional work is not work. Why? Because they don’t take effort? No, because women are supposed to provide them uncompensated, out of the goodness of our hearts.
shame, anger, alienation, and other hallmarks of the masculine psyche
Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest [NYT]: "By the time many young men do reach college, a deep-seeded* gender stereotype has taken root that feeds into the stories they have heard about themselves as learners. Better to earn your Man Card than to succeed like a girl, all in the name of constantly having to prove an identity to yourself and others."