Favorites from Jaltcoh
Displaying post 1 to 50 of 1224
I'm looking for acoustic covers of techno songs, can you help me?
I'm looking for acoustic covers of techno songs, can you help me? Not necessarily acoustic, but using analog instruments, whether amplified or not (e.g. Clara Engel covers Born Slippy, Stance's ukulele cover of Harder Better Faster Stronger, Acoustic Instruments cover Star Guitar). Other electronic dance music genres also welcome.
How to list GPA on applications
I am filling out graduate school applications and I was wondering if anyone knew the proper etiquette on how to list a GPA for a student that has attended multiple institutions.
Help me communicate clearly!
Help me become more articulate...at work....
Which Of My Friends Has The Most Friends?
Is there a way to see which of my Facebook friends has the most friends?
How do you deal with making mistakes?
When you make a real mistake, how do you deal with it? How do you deal with yourself and keep from feeling super guilty?
A self-imposed mystery
I have a list of seemingly unrelated words that I wrote some time ago. I can't remember writing it, nor what it was meant to signify. Please help shed some light on this for me.
"Do you have any questions for us?"
Meta-ask: How can I learn to ask better questions? Specifically: how I can learn to ask natural, un-contrived questions in job interviews?
....but what if I need it someday?
Okay. I have too much stuff. It's a major pain in my derriere, but just treating the symptoms of too-much-stuff-itis has not cured the disease.
How does one... mingle?
How does one mingle effectively?
Please Hope Me Not Fail at Life
I've been really enjoying "lifehack"-type AskMe posts lately - questions about how to change one's own habits to be better at day-to-day life situations and challenges (How do I become one of those people who makes everyone they talk to feel great? from Chrysalis is a good new one). What are some of your favorites?
How do we control the excessive taking of food in our complimentary breakfast?
How do we control the excessive taking of food in our complimentary breakfast?
My family and I own and operate a Comfort Inn. We offer a free continental breakfast: coffee, toast, bagels, frozen waffles (you just pop them into the toaster), apples, bananas and a lemon cake that we cut up into small slices.
Frequently we have people who take it upon themselves to take way more than they need. We can understand someone taking a bagel to go for later in the day but these are guests who will take 15 extra plates, half a loaf of bread (I kid you not, just empty out the sack onto a plate and then take fifteen to twenty small packets of peanut better and/or cream cheese).
My mother believes that we should place some carefully worded sign next to breakfast in the hopes that people will be considerate of others as well as management and only take what they will eat. Too often people take because they assume they have a right to take.
How could we word such a sign without insulting the guests or make them feel like we're being rude?
Affordable, tactile, quirky electronic noisemaking gadgets?
Please recommend me some affordable, tactile, quirky electronic instruments / noise making toys / effects. I already have a Korg Kaoss Pad 3, Alesis Air FX, and a Stylophone, and am going to buy a Korg Monotron - I'm looking for suggestions along similar lines.
Why do I need building permits?
From what source does the authority to require building permits and inspections derive? I've dealt with this whole process before, but every time I have to, I think, "But hey - it's _my_ property! I paid for it, I pay taxes on it, and I pay for the upkeep. As long as I don't build something that could potentially damage or destroy the property of another, why do I need 'permission' from the government?" I know there are lots of issues involved, but when did we, as a nation, give up the right to do what you want on your own property, and is there a way of getting that right back?
Federal Job Resume Builders
Has anyone used a professional resume service for US Federal jobs?
I've seen previous mefi postings, but they seem to focus on the more creative aspects of resume writing. The Feds don't care about style; they will have a bureaucrat go through and tick off the boxes and give you a score. And having worked for Civil Services before, I know that what I think is relevant doesn't always fit the 'box' unless it's phrased just right.
I'm looking at Federal Jobs Digest, and they charge $200 to $300. And I should say there's an assignment I really, really want (an overseas posting in Naples), so I can spend the money if these guys are legit.
How easy do I or do I not have it as a woman in the dating world?
All right. How difficult is it for women to flirt with men *really*? I often hear that just smiling at a dude is good enough, but how true is that? What tactics have been successful for you, ladies? What is it you gentlemen out there wish a woman would (reasonably) do in a social situation? I've read the SIRC guide to flirting, but I'm looking for some real world anecdotes to supplement that.
You're never truly dressed without a smile?
What are the little details that really make one look "put-together"?
Yogurt sauces. I want to make some.
Your favorite yogurt/yoghurt sauce/dip recipes. I want them. Sour cream sauces are good too, if you have them.
I can't believe it's not bacon
So I'm looking to entertain a new female acquaintance in NYC who is a vegetarian. My ten years of building up my foodie cred are worthless! Where can we have a nice dinner that is not Zen Palate or Angelica's?
How do I deal with multiple out-of-state family illnesses?
I can't stop feeling guilty about not being able to visit sick family members or help them more. I'm scared of others dying or being sick.
What party games with guitars are there?
I like to take my acoustic guitar to parties. As well as songs and karoke, what else can I do? Examples inside.
The shit that got Shakespeare back his groove
I want the best goddamned period music you've ever heard. Colonial, Renaissance, pre-classical... You name it I want it. No choral works.
Music suggestions (a pop song?) for a wedding recessional, please!
I'm getting married in 3 weeks (exciting!) and my fiance and I are looking for a cute (indie?) pop song that can be played by a string quartet as we walk back down the aisle together. We want it to be upbeat - so far we've been considering Oasis "Wonderwall", some Beatles tunes - "All you need is love"?, and maybe even our first dance song, Peter Bjorn and John's "Paris 2004" but are not sure about repeating it. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks for your help!
Indie bands with sampled drums
What indie rock albums feature electronic or sampled drums in place of live drums?
What are some non-alcoholic martini ritual substitutes?
What are some good non-alcoholic substitutes for my evening martini?
Biology = Destiny
Can you recommend a book chapter or article that summarizes the biological and/or psychological perspectives on gender without devolving into straw-man attacks or interdepartmental backbiting?
Reality is Reality...d'oh.
The reality of humanity and mortality. People write blogs about everything. Are there great introspective blogs from psychologists / psychiatrists and first-responder EMTs? This may end up a little depressing, so skip it if you're sensitive.
What do people spend money on, in the real world?
I'm living and working in the "real world" for the first time, namely Manhattan. Help me figure out my budget, and thus how much I should spend on rent.
"This nation was founded on the principle that the government must never choose between religions, or favor one over another."
"On September 11, 2001, thousands of first responders heroically rushed to the scene and saved tens of thousands of lives. More than 400 of those first responders did not make it out alive. In rushing into those burning buildings, not one of them asked 'What God do you pray to?' 'What beliefs do you hold?'"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has recently defended the planned Cordoba Initiative Islamic Community Center and Mosque to be built near Ground Zero against critics. Yesterday, after the City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to allow the demolition of a building that would be replaced by the center, Mr. Bloomberg gave a speech on Governor's Island (the location seems to have been deliberately chosen) in which he eloquently defended religious freedom. (YT: Video) (Previously on MeFi)
NYC's week-to-week room rentals-- what's the deal? are they real?
Renting week-to-week rooms in NYC...are they for real? Are they safe to rent? what should I be aware of?
What are the pitfalls of moving in with your significant other?
My girlfriend and I are planning on moving in together later this year. I am 30-years old and have never lived with a significant other. I have lived with roommates in the past and for the past three years have lived alone. My question is: what sort of problems should I be aware of when moving in with a signfiicant other?
Is it a grand gesture to anonymously give a woman I think is beautiful a banjo?
Is it a grand gesture to anonymously give a woman I think is beautiful a banjo?
At the beginning of this semester, I briefly was in a relationship with a woman who I cared a great deal about. It didn’t end well, and really, it couldn’t have ended well. We have nothing in common. But as it is, I still think she is beautiful, and I’d like to do something truly grand, both to make this world a better (albeit stranger) place, and to give myself some closure.
Lifelong Potluck Failure Wants to Step Up
I have been asked to bring the equivalent of dinner for 8 to a potluck-style meal: a main course, salad or vegetable, and dessert. I do not traditionally bring dishes to potlucks because I'm a loser that way. Guidance needed.
uuugh, schmoozing.
On the receiving end of lots of business 'networking' for the first time. How to deal with it?
What are some of the problems with Objectivism?
What are some of the problems with Objectivism? I'm aware its founder may be a few sprinkles short of a frosted donut, but what's missing in the philosophy itself?
Deposition tips
Give me some tips for my first deposition
Christopher Hitchens writes about his cancer
Topic of Cancer.
"One fine June day, the author is launching his best-selling memoir, Hitch-22. The next, he’s throwing up backstage at The Daily Show, in a brief bout of denial, before entering the unfamiliar country—with its egalitarian spirit, martial metaphors, and hard bargains of people who have cancer." Christopher Hitchens writes about his cancer. [Via]
How do I go about interviewing for and working at a fast food restaurant?
I am a 30 year old man about to go for a job interview... flipping burgers for a certain clown. I'd appreciate any hints or tips on how to approach the interview. And when I get the job, how do I handle that?
What are you getting for your $1 billion?
How anyone (or anyone you know) benefited in one respect or another from the provisions in the new U.S. health care bill? I'm not asking this in Fox News-ish way, I am actually curious.
There's an official app for that
Did you forget about what the TSA allows in carry on bags? Need to know if that guy behind you in line is on the FBI's most wanted list? Need to look up a zip code? Calculate your BMI on the road? The US Government has an app for that.
BloggingHeads TV
Bloggingheads TV.
Video blogging dialogue between Mickey Kaus and Robert Wright.
"Oh no, " she breathed, "I couldn't and neither could you."
Plot issue - ethically taking up with the spouse's best friend.
What are the best places on the web to discuss politics that are well moderated to maintain courtesy, encourage debate to be logical and well supported, and have good rates of participation from both sides of the political spectrum?
She's great. Everything between us is great. This froofy church is not.
I'm an atheist and a skeptic. She's been dabbling with a kooky New Age church. This bothers me. How do I approach this situation?
This is harder than I thought...
Bi/lesbian women: What can another woman say in a first message on a dating site to pique your interest? What do you look for in profiles/pictures/etc? I've been out for a few months, using OkCupid and Craigslist and haven't gotten one date.
Scienceblogs' aborted foray into Pepsi Blue leads to mass exodus, new home for a bunch of science blogs
Advice for Moving
Moving mistakes? I'm looking for generalized moving advice, apartment to apartment. There are great threads (this one on moving to NY is really a classic) but what about the nuts and bolts of getting things into boxes and out again? What did you screw up last time? What do you know now that I don't yet?
Calling out flapjax at midnite
I'm calling out flapjax at midnite for making consistently awesome music posts and being an asset to the community.
Fifty First Dates. (OK, more like three.)
What should I say on a first date?