Favorites from jroybal
Displaying post 1 to 50 of 54
A Cultural weekend in New York
I'll be in New York City the 21st through the 23rd and would like to take in a much art/cultural stuff as I reasonably can, but it's New York and outside of the big four (MOMA, the Met, AMNH and the Guggenhiem), I'm not really sure where to start.
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Can we have a "follow thread" button?
Empire state of mind
Third trip to New York is happening next week, I am ready for something a little more than Times Square. New Yorkers, what to do this time? Curate my visit, and help me maybe get out of the city.
Help me have fun in NYC!
Places to eat/things to see in NYC under a very constrained schedule?
Help me plan a weekend in NYC?
We have one weekend in New York, help us make it count!
How Can I Blow My Sister's Mind in the Big Apple?
My sister has never been to NYC before and I'm taking her for three days to celebrate her 32nd birthday -- help me find the best of quirky NYC.
Where in NYC can I find literary/spooky/cinematic/weird places to visit?
I will be holidaying in NYC this month for ten days and am staying near Union Square. Please tell me about literary/spooky/cinematic/weird things to do!
What are the least interesting landmarks in NYC?
More or less as a joke, I'm looking for some landmarks in NYC that are well-known to New Yorkers and yet incredibly dull and prosaic.
n00b + NYC food = ??
Times Square dinner recommendations for a NYC noob?
Not your average NYC tourist guide
I'm visiting New York City for the second time. The first time I was there for a month and travelled alone and did little of the "tourist" stuff. Now I'm going with my girlfriend who hasn't seem the city yet.
I'm looking for personal experiences instead of general tourist guide style descriptions.
Californians with an Empire State of Mind...
So we're headed to that concrete jungle where dreams are made of, New York City, for the first time ever... and in August. Suggestions for both touristy and non-touristy things to do in 7 days during the dog days of summer. Details on our tastes, etc, inside...
An urbanist travels to New York
What are some urbanist/transit/cartography/local history-related attractions, exhibits or experiences I can visit/have when I am in New York City in mid-August?
"I've got a gun let's go to a Broadway show"
What should I see/eat/do in New York City this week?
Help us have fun on a NYC day trip
What to see in NYC in only one day?
NYC, Off the Suggested Donation Path
I'll be spending two days in Manhattan, all by my lonesome. I'm not interested in gettin' my culture on. What should I do? My boyfriend bought me a night in a Midtown hotel. Awww. However, my stay has to take place this weekend (Fri./Sat.), when he'll be unavailable to join me. I'm shy/nerdy, so this puts the kibosh on super-social activities. However, I'm ALSO not terribly interested in seeing any museums/cultural attractions on this trip. Don't get me wrong - those things are delightful! - but it's spring break, so I'd like my trip to be a lil' more indulgent/eclectic/badass.
Eight Hours in NYC.
8 hours alone in New York City tomorrow. What should I do?
Planning a return visit to NYC... can you help me with a few very specific questions?
Planning a return visit to NYC... can you help me with a few very specific questions?
New York, you're perfect Don't please don't change a thing
I <3 NYC. History that is. I would like more books.
Helps up plan our first real vacation!
Hooray, we're taking our first "big kid" vacation to New York City for a week! ...um, what now? (March 13-19 edition)
Help me experience NYC to the fullest, while I have the spare time.
I'm currently unemployed and living in New York City. I have a lot of spare time that I haven't really been taking advantage of — if you were in my situation, how would you explore/take in the city to the fullest? Note: I'm broke, so suggestions must be free or cheap.
Things for math nerds to do in the big apple
This is probably the zillionth question on things to do in New York. But are there any cool things that a complete math nerd can do in the city? I'm more interested in places I can visit than things I could do with people.
Help a mom fill up (almost) two weeks worth of downtime in NYC
My mom is visiting me in NYC for two weeks, while I have a full time job. What can she do during the day that is fun and safe?
Sunday fun in NYC
What's something fun and cheap and indoorsy we can do this Sunday afternoon in nyc?
east vs west
Can a diehard San Franciscan fall in love with New York? Or at least have a little crush? How can I be the matchmaker?
Non-Americans tourists to NYC: what was the hightlight of your trip?
Non-Americans who have visited NYC: what was your favorite and most memorable thing to do/eat/see?
Give me some ideas for my NYC trip!
I'm planning a trip to NYC with my girlfriend in November, I need ideas of a place to stay and things to do; we've both seen many of the touristy things, but wouldn't be opposed to seeing them again. I want to do the trip on a tight budget ($500-600 for the weekend, less if possible) since we are both students. Also, I would like to make the trip as romantic as possible. Any ideas?
Great Food Experiences in NYC
Can someone please suggest some particularly awesome food experiences in New York for this weekend?
Eats in NYC?
I'm taking a 3 day vacay to NYC. Help me make the best of it foodwise!
Manhattan Mad Men Tour: Fellow I know coming into town is a huge Mad Men buff. I'd like to show him around places that evoke the show's era and style. What places are like the Campbell apartment, the Pierre, the Oak Room, and such? Is it even possible to do it on a budget?
Exploring NYC one lunch at a time.
Taking my IT dev job to the librairies and coffeeshops of NYC for a couple of weeks (accompanying my wife, who's in a program at NYU). What are the best places to work, to lunch, and to explore in the relatively-immediate vicinity?
Midtown Manhattan eats?
In Midtown Manhattan, can you recommend a nearby and decent: 1) Indian restaurant; 2) Jewish or Italian deli; and 3) a place to get a good egg cream?
Using Taxicabs and the Subway in NYC
Using the subway and taxicabs in NYC without looking like a rube.
NYC Virgin
New York for a virgin?
Help me plan a 2-day trip to New York with my wife and young children.
Help me plan a 2-day trip to New York with my wife and young children.
Cheap NYC fun
The Staten Island Ferry is said to be "one of the best values in New York City" because it's free and offers great views of the city. What are other "best values" in NYC, including shopping, food, activities, and anything else that's surprisingly inexpensive.
Ferris Bueller, you're my hero
How can I channel my inner Ferris Bueller and have one great day, except in New York?
NYC not for tourists
If you only had one year left before moving out of New York City, what would you make sure to see and do before leaving?
How do I use the subway in NYC?
How can I find the best resources for travel in New York City?
Advice on NY lodging and my personal finances
Can anyone advise me on a decent, cheap, central New York place to stay and reading the extended explanation below do you think i should take the week in New York?
New York City First Visit
Help my wife and I figure out how much we can fit in during a relatively short first visit to New York City.
I live in New York City and I've got some time off. What should I do?
I live in New York City and I've got some time off. What should I do?
Looking for good food in NYC
I need good but affordable restaurant recommendations for New York (specifically Manhattan).
Introduce my dad to NYC
My parents are visiting me the first week in August, but I just found out that I need to briefly interrupt their visit to attend a meeting in New York. My dad has never been to NYC and I'll have some down time, so I'm thinking about taking him with me. Help me plan a fun two day visit for him.
Coolest places in New York to visit at night?
What are the coolest, not incredibly expensive places in New York to visit at night? What's unusual and marvelous and memorable? Might include particularly interesting bars, might not. The ability to drink (or bring drinks) would be a plus, but not a necessity. Thanks.
Parents coming to visit in NY. Where should I take them?
Parents coming to visit in NY. Where should I take them?
"Let them eat bagels."
Where can I find the best bagel in NYC?
NYC on a Weekday
NYC Filter: What's fun to do in New York City on a weekday?
complete NYC n00b seeks assistance
NewYorkVirginFilter: I'm going to New York on business in early August, and I'll have two blocks of time free: 4pm - midnight-ish, and 8am - 2pm the following morning. I am so clueless.
Where's a unique place in NY to go to and write about?
I'm accompanying a friend tomorrow on a journalism assignment; he needs to write about a place he's never been to before, go there, and write about the experience again. Where should we go?
Cheap or Free Things To Do In New York Next Week?
I have a week in New York City and limited funds...
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