Favorites from and hosted from Uranus
Displaying post 1 to 50 of 328
Rally to Restore Sanity / March to Keep Fear Alive
Oct. 30, the Stewart/Colbert rallies. I know we can expect a lot of us there and with signs. So here's the organizing thread.
Butt cleaning questions
Butt cleaning questions inside. If you think this might gross you out, don't read it.
Calling on abuse
This poster is physically and emotionally abusing her boyfriend!! Why aren't more people picking up on this?
Tall and skinny: I've never been able to build upper-body/arm muscle -- how do I bulk up?
I'm tall and skinny and have never been able to build upper-body/arm muscle -- how do I bulk up?
Dirt Cheap? More like Dirt Expensive! Amirite?
How can I establish a cheap, efficent container garden system for vegetables?
8 yrs old, going on 14. Tired of Nickelodeon.
Is there a kid-friendly portal to pop music videos? She is not satisfied by Kid Disney and she wants to listen to the "latest" hits. She begs us to let her watch music videos on YouTube, but she's not ready to be let loose on that yet. So where can we let her browse and watch "current" videos with not too much bad stuff?
The Kid Who Sold Crack to the President
"This is crack cocaine," Bush solemnly announced, holding up a plastic bag filled with a white chunky substance in his Sept. 5 speech on drug policy. It was "seized a few days ago in a park across the street from the White House . . . . It could easily have been heroin or PCP."
In 1989 the White House came up with the idea of having George H.W. Bush hold up a bag of crack on national television in order to illustrate how bad the US drug problem had gotten. They decided to have a drug buy set up in Lafayette Park, directly across the street from the White House, to obtain the props for his speech. They contacted a DEA agent who set up a drug buy with a Spingarn High School senior with no prior arrest record, but things didn't go as planned:
jason's_planet visits Charm City
I'm here in Baltimore on business and will be here until August 26th. Would love to meet local MetaFilter people. I'm staying close to the Inner Harbor but do not want to have the meetup there because this really isn't my favorite part of town. I'll be busy during the weekdays but my one weekend and weekday evenings are wide open. I don't have a car but am not averse to cabbing it.
So let me know what you think. I'd love to meet all of you.
Talk to you soon!
Arguments Against Marijuana. Why not smoke pot?
Alien Swarm: Valve's newest, freeest, game
If you don't mind installing Steam and are running a version of Windows, you can download and play Alien Swarm for free. It's a top-down shooter with four-player co-op of you and your friends against the aliens.
MeFi Fantasy Pick 'Em
MetaFilter Fantasy Football Pick 'Em at Yahoo. Let's do this.
Beyond Barron's
Please recommend the best online sources for ongoing investment advice, free or paid?
Help me safely increse my non-meat protein intake
I'm considering going to a mostly meat-free diet, but I want to make sure that I still keep my protein intake up by supplementing with whey protein (up to about 80% of my total protein). Are there any health concerns here?
What would you suggest to a novice manager?
What have you learned about managing a staff that took you years to realize and wish you had known on day 1?
I don't need to overthink it, the plate as-is is quite gross.
I want to like beans, but the texture is generally too mushy or mealy. What are some recipes that get around this?
The Ultimate Bugalow
The Pasadena architectural firm of Greene & Greene was one of the foremost exponents of the Arts & Crafts movement. Their "ultimate bungalows," including the Gamble, Thorsen, and Blacker Houses (and a host of modern-day disciples) stand testament to the enduring elegance of their work, but for a fuller examination of the brothers' design process, delve into the thousands of blueprints, drawings, and photos at the Greene & Greene Virtual Archives.
Introducing Says Who?, the Metafilter identification game
Think you know your mefites? Try your hand at Says Who?, the Metafilter identification game.
Donut. Cake. Awesome?
Donut cake. Need your help. Need equal parts creativity, kitchen panache and engineering skill.
Female-Fronted Punk Rock
Female-Fronted Punk Rock 1977-1989.
A huge, 12 (!) disc, mix of punk rock sung by women.
No Laughing Matter
Hippie Crack
-- The Village Voice profiles the "Nitrous Oxide Mafia" that follows the jam band circuit selling balloons in parking lots.
Summer Party in Central Vermont
turtlegirl and I are having our annual bash on 24 July this year and wanted to extend an invite to MeFites who may be interested.
Give Pete a Chance
DTMFA?! How about Calm The Hell Down?
Grow It Eat It
Grow It Eat It
- food gardening videos courtesy of the University of Maryland. (Lots more on offer from them as well.)
How can I improve myself? Problem - nobody in my life has ever accepted me as I am.
we alone have the power to conjure up at will erotic, orgasm-inducing scenes in our theater-like heads
One reason why humans are special and unique: We masturbate. A lot
Kierkegaard n00b
I have decided that I should read Kierkegaard. Where should I start?
learn to program?
This question made me start thinking about learning computer programming. Two questions: do you think there's any value in doing so, and if so, how would I start? Details about me inside.
The diary that we all carry about with us
How much of your life do you remember?
Behind the scenes with
In 2006, Kai Hibbard was a contestant on weight-loss reality show "The Biggest Loser", where she was a runner-up. Now she's speaking out about her experiences on the show in an interview with blogger Golda Poretsky. The interview is in three pieces: Part I, Part II, Part III.
I can't look at any more oil-soaked animals.
Advice on coping with sadness brought on by environmental disasters?
Explicit writings you should not read at work or anywhere else you can could into trouble for reading extremely explicit blog posts
Not Safe For Work writings by Chelesa G. Summers are below the fold.
Fin de Siècle Metafilter
What was Metafilter like at the turn of the century? Is it substantially different now? Do you have a favorite era or year of Metafilter?
Can you recommend an exercise class for the terribly uncoordinated?
Can you recommend an exercise class for the terribly uncoordinated?
Getting to no
How do a get an honest rejection at a bar?
How can I help revive my partner's sexual appetite?
My partner has recently gone through a painful divorce and totally lost his libido. How can I help revive his sexual appetite?
How do we reap when our beds are turning?
Questions about soil preparation and space planning for garden beds
Seeking damage control ideas for pot smoking parents
What can a mom do to ease her 12, 13 & 15 year old's heavy hearts and worried minds after they discover that she and their dad like to smoke pot?
Is my fetish dangerous?
I'm into heavier women, ranging from merely chubby going as far as morbid obesity. What are the health risks of being in each weight group, ranging from "overweight" to "morbidly obese?"
Tanner/binder wanted for anthropodermic bibliopegy (future)
I'd like to have a book bound in my tanned skin after I die, as a present for my family. Does anyone know of any legal issues with asking a tanner and binder to do this? Any other suggestions for how to go about it?
What books are in the "MeFi Canon"?
What books are in the "MeFi Canon"?
D'oh! It's all Greek to me.
Good editions of the Iliad and the Odyssey for a 12-year-old?
Wasteland of material goods
Our stores are full of billions of items. What percentage of these things actually get bought and used? What happens to it all in the end?
Disappearing nuke... archives
Records about nuclear test series -- Operation WIGWAM and HARDTACK I. Willing to trade....
How should I handle my backyard?
New to homeownership. How should I handle my backyard?
please fence me in
Our Portland OR house from 1924 is on a double lot, so we don't have a 'back' yard, we have a 'side' yard. The neighboring house from 1925 was built directly on the property line, as verified by surveyor and plat maps. That side of their house contains a window that can't see anywhere but into our yard, and a gas meter that the gas company needs access to. We're in fence building mode, and aren't sure where to put the fence, or how high it can be.
How can I learn to be more flexible? with Yoga? Without a TV?
I would like to learn yoga, but I failed recently due to be extremely inflexible. How can I learn how to stretch and also from their bounce into yoga? I don't have the money or time to take a class, and DVD's are also out.
Are their books that are a good beginner primer on this? A website I can print out?
This is not my beautiful house
I am really lucky. I have a beautiful house, a good job, a smart, talented kid, a devoted, responsible husband. My life, by all objective measures, does not suck. Except it kind of does. Marital woes question: Should I stay?
The kindness of strangers
This post is an example of why I am so proud to call myself a MeFite.