(some) British Muslims
December 9, 2001 11:37 AM   Subscribe

(some) British Muslims - an interesting article from Prospect describes how different generations (and classes) of British Muslims view the conflict in Afghanistan (starts as personal history; the political meat of the article is in the second half).
posted by andrew cooke (2 comments total)
This is especially interesting considering what Blunkett's just said about immigrants having a duty to blend in. My personal view is that government has got to butt out of how individuals live their lives until laws have been broken. It's also particularly insenstive to start having a go at the muslim community (which is what Blunkett is doing) at this time.

As for the article, it's not surprising asian teenagers are asserting their differences from wider society. That's what teenagers do. Like all sixth formers they sound like they're being incredibly prissy and self-righteous about it.
posted by Summer at 2:05 PM on December 9, 2001

Thanks - I only heard about Blunkett's comments this morning (I read this article last night on the train - print edition - and was so impressed that I searched for it on-line to post here once I got home).

I agree with your take on their attitude - they seemed to be more integrated than they were ready to admit.

Could you characterise Blunkett's approach to citizenship as being "American", while these kids (heh, they'd hate that) are "British"? Maybe that's too much, but my own feelings (white, male, middle class) about my country are pretty much like theirs, in that I have no great pride or patriotic fervour, but silently assume basic freedoms are permanent and worthwhile.

PS I read this coming back from London, where I just got to see the Turner prize exhibition before it was judged. I have to say that the winner raised no new questions in my mind - just the same old list that conceptual art has been worrying over for years. In contrast, Julien's cowboy film was at least witty, which must be worth something, while Nelson's installation was the best thing I've seen for years. I feel sorry for Billingham, though, who I suspect has only been successful because of bourgeoise curiousity about the working classes, something it looks like he never intended, and which now leaves him caught between conscious exploitation and being just another photographer.
posted by andrew cooke at 1:27 AM on December 10, 2001

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