The Big Ten infographics
December 22, 2001 10:03 AM   Subscribe

The Big Ten infographics that accompany The Nation's latest issue on big media conglomerates lays out just how big they are (maximize your browser for the viacom and AOLTW ones, there's a lot of small type in there).
posted by mathowie (9 comments total)
i'd like to have seen microsoft included and a breakout of computer game divisions :) but still nice work! like i didn't know GE owned 10% of salon.
posted by kliuless at 10:35 AM on December 22, 2001

I think its pretty illustrative of Microsoft's piddling media influence (MSNBC notwithstanding, I think NBC has most of the oversight there) versus AOL and others, which is more chilling to me.
posted by owillis at 12:00 PM on December 22, 2001

Interesting that some of them own bits and pieces of each other too.
posted by crasspastor at 4:49 PM on December 22, 2001

Here's a chart showing compensation for top media execs. These are some big number$.
posted by ferris at 5:00 PM on December 22, 2001

This is one of the more informative links I've seen on MeFi in a while, thanks Matt. Too bad it doesn't spark as much discussion - maybe the sheer mass of it all is a bit overwhelming. Amazing how much of our culture is controlled by so few. Certainly explains a lot of the homogenous nature of pop culture.

Owillis - I think MS has been silently backpedaling on being in the media business for a long time now, there's not much profit unless you're dominant. However they did just get a big boost when ComCast moved to purchase AT&T Broadband on Thursday. MS apparently worked to keep AT&T Broadband out of the hands of AOL/Time/Warner (and they own pieces of both AT&T Cable and Comcast). So I think they're working hard still, but more on the provider side than the content side.
posted by kokogiak at 7:41 PM on December 22, 2001

Nobody likes to talk about painful reality.

posted by Niahmas at 10:37 PM on December 22, 2001

Nobody likes to talk about painful reality.

What alternate-reality version of MeFi have you been reading, Niahmas?

I'm reminded of They Rule, which has been noted here a few times.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 11:32 PM on December 22, 2001

Certainly explains a lot of the homogenous nature of pop culture

There is a market. They serve the demand. Just because you don't like Britney/Mariah/N'Sync/Whatever doesn't mean that there's inherently anything wrong with that.
posted by owillis at 2:52 AM on December 23, 2001

Hold up there owillis - just because I called something homogenous, it doesn't necessarily mean I think it's a bad thing - just an amazingly similar level of quality. I actually don't think a lot of it is bad, just not usually my style.
posted by kokogiak at 11:14 AM on December 23, 2001

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