Origami Boulders:
June 22, 2002 8:53 AM   Subscribe

Origami Boulders: it's not wadded up paper, it's art.
posted by Apoch (3 comments total)
One of my favorite columns in Scientific American -- at least ever since Martin Gardner stopped writing Mathematical Games -- is "50, 100, & 150 Years Ago," where articles of interest from the past are reprinted so we can all muse over the quaint verbiage, unusual subjects, and forgotten ideals of the past. (Though I seem to remember it being just "50 and 100 Years Ago" -- when did they add 150? Am I getting old?)

Perhaps MetaFilter should consider adding a similar feature.
posted by ook at 11:13 AM on June 23, 2002

sassy, ook. i like it.

also, there a very real possibility that scientific american is getting older too.

on topic, i sorta want to donate 10 dollars and buy an origami boulder just to support whoever made the hilarious site.
posted by complex at 12:35 PM on June 23, 2002

Sorry about the double. You know, I searched for origami boulder(s) and for the url, found nothing.. by mefi and google. Should have thought to search for wadded paper.
posted by Apoch at 8:43 PM on June 24, 2002

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