I thought this was what creativity was all about
September 21, 2024 1:04 AM   Subscribe

We know that denial plays two roles in human life: the positive force that allows a person to rebound from a disabling loss, and the negative force that buries the truth in order—or so we believe—to make life livable. In addition to accommodating the family’s longstanding and hard-won reliance upon denial, the challenge for me was to finally understand my own relationship to denial. I was unable to judge others without first admitting to myself that each of my attempts to write The Child Widow as fiction had failed because I still always included the possibility that maybe the suicide wasn’t entirely deliberate. I knew better—I was right there in the next room—but I still found it possible to deflect. from Rejecting Denial and Embracing Sorrow: On Writing the Story of a Husband’s Suicide by Alexandra Marshall [LitHub] CW: suicide
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