Terrorist Financing
October 18, 2002 12:21 PM   Subscribe

Terrorist Financing is a new report by the Council on Foreign Relations on al Qaeda's financial network. It claims that the Bush administration "appears to have made a policy decision not to use the full power of U.S. influence and legal authorities to pressure or compel other governments to combat terrorist financing more effectively." The most important source of al Qaeda's funds are charities and wealthy individuals from Saudi Arabia. But while the Bush administration may be unwilling to confront the Saudis directly, they are seeking to have their financial assets in Europe frozen.
posted by homunculus (2 comments total)
The most important source of al Qaeda's funds are charities and wealthy individuals from Saudi Arabia. But while the Bush administration may be unwilling to confront the Saudis directly, they are seeking to have their financial assets in Europe frozen.

Bush is just ensuring that people have enough gas to drive their SUVs to anti-Bush protests. If he were to pull a Texan (which he should), the whiny antibushies would have even *more* to complain about, since gas would go up to $17 a gallon or something.
posted by Erasmus at 1:11 PM on October 18, 2002

Lets' hope Bush admin actually follows through with this. Maybe it also signals a softening of resolution about invading Iraq.
posted by shoos at 3:27 PM on October 18, 2002

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