Back in your old neighborhood...
February 7, 2003 9:43 PM   Subscribe

If you don't like Wilco, avoid this post. However, if you do like Wilco, and you didn't get a chance to see the great documentary about the making of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot that toured arthouse theaters last year, or you did see it, but you want to get your hands on the 70 minutes of additional music on the second DVD, you can now order it from the pre-order site which will deliver the DVD a week before it hits stores. If you don't like Wilco, please, don't feel the need to stop by the thread and tell us all so, just move along, nothing to see here. Sorry for posting such a crassly commercial link here, I just know the band & the film are topics near & dear to many mefites.
posted by jonson (22 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: metafilter is about links (not solely hamfisted discussions), and the only link is a bit weak.

Yes, I will be purchasing this thanks to a few people (in #mefi) who bitched about my musical tastes and showed me the light and all. Thank you for the link sir.
posted by riffola at 9:52 PM on February 7, 2003

you should have said something to all the jay bennett fans out there. "it was unfairly edited! blah blah! wilco will suck without him!"

(which is far from true)

there's a new ep (for kamera, with 5 (i think) previously unreleased tracks) and the loose fur cd out now / soon, too.

although i do not really see the point of this post, and i'm half-expecting it to get deleted (i mean, really, if this post was about some silly metal band (or better yet, britney spears), it would get laughed off the stage. just because some of us wanky music elitists frequent metafilter doesn't mean it's front page material), i still thought i would be sure you fans hear all about it.

you know what, maybe we need a MediaFilter.
posted by onthestereo at 10:05 PM on February 7, 2003

I know that MeFi is no place to discuss personal taste in music, and I do like Wilco... well sort of, but I just had to say something.. . But to all loyal fans of Uncle Tupelo from back in the day, just gotta say this:

Jeff Tweedy = amusing little ditty writer

Jay Ferrar = God

This is probably akin to the Bob Mould vs. Grant Hart argument, and equally as irrelevant... But, I'll never understand why Wilco has gotten all the commercial success, and Son Volt just kind of faded away. Then again, this probably makes more sense than anything... in a fatalistic ole country kind of way ;-)
posted by psmealey at 10:13 PM on February 7, 2003

Ding! Round one of the Wilco-Son Volt showdown!
posted by boomchicka at 10:26 PM on February 7, 2003

Uh oh... (people clear out, piano stops playing... )
Them's fightin' words...

Also, I doubt this thread will be deleted, I mean, some people are interested. Just cause it's not for the masses doesn't mean it holds NO value? Oh well, time will tell.
posted by jonson at 10:31 PM on February 7, 2003

An ardent Wilco fan has compiled an extensive archive of Wilco set lists, going back 8 years deep. I didn't even realize it had been 8 years...
posted by boomchicka at 10:37 PM on February 7, 2003

Interesting as I just got a Wilco CD, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot to be exact. Haven't listened to it yet, not having a CD in my car or one I listen to much at home. The person who gave it to me told me they were very Pavement-esque, and as she was the one to turn me on to them as well, I have my hopes up. Tell me I'm going to like them...
posted by Windopaene at 12:19 AM on February 8, 2003

Also, I doubt this thread will be deleted, I mean, some people are interested.

[devil's advocate]
Because my music taste is acceptable, but others' tastes may be questionable. so my post about my music is okay (it's cool/trendy/blah blah blah
[/devil's advocate]
posted by Ufez Jones at 12:24 AM on February 8, 2003

Don't worry, Windopaene. YHP remains on heavy rotation at the hippuhousehold after several months. I wouldn't have come up with the Pavement comparison on my own, but I can see where your friend is coming from. If you like Terror Twilight (the only Pavement I know well), you'll probably enjoy Wilco.
posted by hippugeek at 1:30 AM on February 8, 2003

If you don't like Wilco, please, don't feel the need to stop by the thread and tell us all so, just move along, nothing to see here. Sorry for posting such a crassly commercial link here, I just know the band & the film are topics near & dear to many mefites.

Not necessary, in my opinion. Carry on.                                                                              Lungfish
posted by eddydamascene at 2:58 AM on February 8, 2003

It's all very well having a thread for Wilco fans only, but what about the poor folks like me who have no idea who/what Wilco is? I'm always looking for new music to audition, but there's nothing here that would give me even a vague clue as to whether this is worth my while to seek out...
posted by Gamecat at 4:32 AM on February 8, 2003

There are more anti-Wilco factions than just the Sun Volt devotees. Serious Billy Bragg fans remember how whiny and bitter Wilco were about the songs selected for the Mermaid Avenue project.

We won't rest until Jeff Tweedy is living in a box and licking discarded Slurpee cups for nourishment.
posted by Mayor Curley at 4:55 AM on February 8, 2003

Gamecat, I recommend that you download a few Wilco songs, just for experimentation's sake. I doubt that you'll be disappointed.

Wilco's album Summer Teeth was touted as being the saviour of rock and roll. Granted, rock and roll has been saved many, many times, but even if it may not have been true, any album that is given such high marks by the critics and fans alike must have something going for it.

By comparison, they also say that YFH is better.

Anyway, here's the AMG write-up about Yankee. BE sure to read about Wilco in general.
posted by ashbury at 5:43 AM on February 8, 2003

psmealey, I'm almost with you. I can't get on board completely because that train looks ready to crash. Son Volt and Uncle Tupelo I loved, but YFH was the first Wilco album I liked. My opinion of Jay Farrar sunk miserable after his last album though.

Maybe there really isn't anything greater than the traveling hands of time.
posted by yerfatma at 6:29 AM on February 8, 2003

Jay Ferrar = God

"Saint Ferrar" will also suffice.

May the wind take your troubles away.
posted by hama7 at 6:29 AM on February 8, 2003

Your post is like the Patriot Act.
You have attempted to quell all discussion by people who may not like Wilco. I mean, sure, you might not want to read the people who just stop by to say, "Uh, dude, Wilco sucks..." and then cruise on to to buy a Sevendust T-Shirt. I can understand this instinct. You need to remember, however, that society is built on the exchange of ideas, not the suppression of disagreeable ones.
I, for one, don't like Wilco. I don't think that they're untalented, but, hell, if you want to look at an album that "saved rock and roll" (and how tired that sounds these days), I'd suggest Spiritualized's '97 effort, Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space.
posted by rachelpapers at 6:36 AM on February 8, 2003

Chalk me up as a convert. I don't know who any of these people are in the above thread comments...I think I heard about YHF/Wilco in a New Yorker article or something...I don't usually listen to this kind of music (don't ask me what "this kind" means)...but I've just about worn out the CD...Oh, wait, you can't "wear out" those new-fangled things, can you...
posted by kozad at 6:38 AM on February 8, 2003

Jay Ferrar = God

"Saint Ferrar" will also suffice.

God asked me to let y'all know that he spells his last name 'Farrar.' Wouldn't want to get struck by lightning or anything now, would you?
posted by spilon at 6:46 AM on February 8, 2003

I own Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space and can someone explain to me how self-indulgent tripe saved rock'n'roll? I don't get the band-- was Spaceman 3 so good that Jason Whatshisface can just coast on by the rest of the way? Everytime he puts out a new album and it gets a ton of praise, I check it out (thankfully it's not 1997 anymore and there are mp3s out there to try before you buy), but I'm clearly missing something. That or the Emperor Has No Clothes.
posted by yerfatma at 6:58 AM on February 8, 2003

God asked me to let y'all know that he spells his last name 'Farrar'.

Well that's odd.
posted by hama7 at 7:26 AM on February 8, 2003

Drat. Now the wrong guy is going to become a saint.
posted by hama7 at 7:36 AM on February 8, 2003

but, hell, if you want to look at an album that "saved rock and roll" (and how tired that sounds these days), I'd suggest...

Here's an interesting list of albums, the 50 Greatest Rock and Roll Albums of All Time. The guy couldn't stop at 50, and interestingly enough, Wilco is at 51 with Summer Teeth. It's a good list.

I guess I should go out and buy Yankee Hotel Foxtrot now, shouldn't I?
posted by ashbury at 7:59 AM on February 8, 2003

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