The most serious charge which can be brought against New England is not Puritanism but February. -- J W Krutch
April 15, 2004 10:00 PM   Subscribe

New England Ruins :: Photographs
posted by anastasiav (14 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
really slow to load, but really worth it!
posted by Mayor Curley at 10:18 PM on April 15, 2004

I am so insanely jealous of this guy's access to abandoned mental hospitals. Not that I could even come close to his jaw-dropping photos, but, man, would that be great to explore.

He is involved, by the way, with Art in Ruins which has been discussed recently.
posted by rafter at 11:21 PM on April 15, 2004

Wow. Those pictures are amazing. Even better for me is seeing different perspectives of things I drive by frequently, like that bridge in Providence. I think I might have to e-mail the artist now and let him know about more local ruins.
posted by Ruki at 12:49 AM on April 16, 2004

There's a couple of interesting "Urban Exploration" sites here in the UK that you should check out...
Exploration Station
posted by chill at 4:06 AM on April 16, 2004

Nice. Thanks Anastasiav.
posted by Dick Paris at 4:13 AM on April 16, 2004

Nice ones. Been through all the psych wards and hospitals, they have a lot of theatres, though not the kind you'd expect in a hospital. Odd. Try norwich state, malone psychiatric and ever creepy fairfield hills.
posted by dabitch at 4:21 AM on April 16, 2004

(insert literate phrase here that means "awesome")

There should be enough inspiration in those photos for at least 5 years worth of suspense/horror video games.
posted by Ynoxas at 7:58 AM on April 16, 2004

This post could be as well named 'American Splendor', couldn't it?

I like this series most, but the font in this really resonates.
posted by of strange foe at 10:50 AM on April 16, 2004

[this is good]
posted by DevilsAdvocate at 11:39 AM on April 16, 2004

A great book I got recently: Abandoned Asylums of New England: A Photographic Journey by John Gray and Mark Gerrity. Over 200 colour photos of 9 asylums in Massachusetts and Connecticut.
posted by Ariadne at 11:59 AM on April 16, 2004

Asbestos and Lead thick in the air when you sit in a chair a puff of dust will make you rust.
posted by stbalbach at 7:51 PM on April 16, 2004

Ruki, you ought to stop by the bridge one day and explore a little (if you're amenable to some climbing). The bridge is cool (though I was too chicken to go very far out on it), but for whatever reason dobi ignored the other modern ruins (self-link) immediately around it. These huge concrete slabs stretch along the shore for quite some distance. It's a really cool feeling to see them -- modern ruins, indeed.
posted by rafter at 9:09 PM on April 16, 2004

*Great* link - cheers.
posted by reedbird_hill at 7:00 AM on April 17, 2004

Good link, thanks!
posted by dejah420 at 8:40 PM on April 18, 2004

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