Wave Magazine publishes its 10 Best Internet Fads
June 5, 2004 10:13 AM   Subscribe

Wave Magazine publishes its 10 Best Internet Fads and ranks Star Wars Kid top. All Your Base was robbed surely?
posted by feelinglistless (59 comments total)
All Your Base is the only one I've ever heard of (I think). I'm sort of lame that way. Personally, I like the "all your base" reference in season three of Futurama. In fact, the whole video game mini-episode is wickedly funny, which has very little to do with this and is why I'm stopping now.
posted by The God Complex at 10:18 AM on June 5, 2004

What, no Gonads & Strife?
posted by aaronetc at 10:26 AM on June 5, 2004

What, no "Dubya-Tee-Eff, mates?"
posted by slater at 10:37 AM on June 5, 2004

Huh, I think not puttying AYB in the number one spot was just seanbaby trying to prove how "cool" he was, or something. Nothing broke out like AYB, certanly not starwars kid.
posted by delmoi at 11:01 AM on June 5, 2004

surely, hercubush (24276, 26181) was worthier than that poor lady falling off her grapes.
posted by steef at 11:07 AM on June 5, 2004

AYB definitely should have been number one. And Mahir should have been higher.
posted by SisterHavana at 11:10 AM on June 5, 2004

Agreed Sis, Mahir was probably the only thing on this list that non-internet savvy types would have heard of.
posted by dmt at 11:17 AM on June 5, 2004

Mahir should have been number one. And where's Peter Pan?

If they had been really bold, goatse would be on the list.
posted by jjg at 11:26 AM on June 5, 2004

I think he's obviously ranking them by quality and not 'bigness', since both hamsterdance and mahir both had music videos made of them, but were fairly low on the list. And the Star Wars Kid spinoffs are definitely more ass-kickin' than the AYB ones which are, for the most part, lame.
posted by Space Coyote at 11:53 AM on June 5, 2004

Surely there must be badgers.
posted by tommasz at 11:55 AM on June 5, 2004

The difference with the Star Wars Kid vs. AYB was that Star Wars Kid got upset by it leading to attempted internet smackdowns.
posted by drezdn at 11:57 AM on June 5, 2004

Topic: Mahir killed the personal/Geocities website, ushering the era of blogging. Discuss.
posted by ALongDecember at 11:59 AM on June 5, 2004

people falling down was that popular? peter pan was definetly bigger than that.
posted by Hackworth at 12:35 PM on June 5, 2004

peter pan?
posted by feelinglistless at 12:50 PM on June 5, 2004

Personally I think goatse and tubgirl were robbed.
posted by gyc at 1:03 PM on June 5, 2004

Bubb Rubb made #2. I'm impressed! He rox0rs my box0rs. Woo WOOOO!
posted by WolfDaddy at 1:11 PM on June 5, 2004

peter pan.
Seanbaby is much funnier at his often NSFW website. See also Portal of Evil and Old Man Murray.
posted by Voivod at 1:11 PM on June 5, 2004

And anyone who hasn't read this older Wave article on the San Francisco mayoral race should check it out.
posted by Voivod at 1:16 PM on June 5, 2004

Peter Pan is a man who likes to dress up in Peter Pan costumes and has a silly haircut. His website is a really extensive personal ad.

Does anyone have a link to a working video of "Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!"? I want to see that, and the link didn't work. Though its previous hosts didn't make it too bad for me.

[On Preview: Voivod beat me to it]
posted by Gnatcho at 1:16 PM on June 5, 2004

Also, "Dubya-Tee-Eff, mates?". What's that?
posted by Gnatcho at 1:18 PM on June 5, 2004

posted by SPrintF at 1:27 PM on June 5, 2004

Lightning bolt! video
posted by wsg at 1:31 PM on June 5, 2004

WTF mates?
posted by donth at 1:44 PM on June 5, 2004

Oh yeah, I saw that. I'd completely forgotten the "WTF Mates?" bit.
posted by Gnatcho at 2:09 PM on June 5, 2004

And that Lightning Bolt! video is fantastic.
posted by Gnatcho at 2:09 PM on June 5, 2004

I guess they never got around enough to be considered a fad, but the Fensler Film GI Joe PSAs are really exceptional.
posted by mmcg at 2:12 PM on June 5, 2004

AYB should definitely be #1. Only other one I've seen is lightning bolt. The only one that everyone has probably seen has to be AYB...
posted by swank6 at 2:42 PM on June 5, 2004

Where's Mr. T Ate My Balls?
posted by PrinceValium at 2:53 PM on June 5, 2004

This Star Wars kid... he vibrates?
posted by spilon at 3:30 PM on June 5, 2004

I'm just glad to have had this opportunity to discover Bubb Rubb.
posted by Zurishaddai at 3:48 PM on June 5, 2004

...& because Bubb Rubb's good news deserves to be spread, you can get more woo woo fix here and here.
posted by Zurishaddai at 3:51 PM on June 5, 2004

I hear ya, PrinceValium. AteMyBalls is/was a classic.
posted by shoepal at 3:56 PM on June 5, 2004

Jeff Goldblum is watching you poop!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:53 PM on June 5, 2004

I think Star Wars kid is better than AYB, although I would agree that AYB is bigger than SWK. At least, I laughed a hell of a lot harder at Star Wars kid and some of the spin-offs. Most of the others I have not heard of, other than hamsterdance and touristguy. And at this point, I don't even want to check them out, even though several of you are making Bubb Rubb pretty inviting. I am strong.
posted by strangeleftydoublethink at 10:00 PM on June 5, 2004

Seanbaby is a mook.
posted by interrobang at 10:27 PM on June 5, 2004

Seanbaby is a mook.

Yeah, but he makes me laugh, so Mission Accomplished.

Ate My Balls is definitely a classic. "All Your Base" did deserve to be #1, but I'll admit that the joke did get a little tired after the 388th time.

I'm a little confused on what really qualifies as a certified 'net meme. Does Am I Hot or Not? count? What about Domo-kun? Cliché Kitty, perhaps?

And who can forget Goatse.cx (no matter how hard we try?)
posted by Down10 at 11:24 PM on June 5, 2004

Oh god... Was grape lady okay?!
posted by kfury at 12:00 AM on June 6, 2004

Yeah, Matt posted in the original thread that she mostly just had the wind knocked out of her. I've assumed that's correct because otherwise I would have to feel guilty about finding her fall and "oooh-ooh-ooh" reaction the funniest fucking thing I've seen all year.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 12:16 AM on June 6, 2004

** Steve Ballmer...

"Developers, developers..." and the various remixes maybe should have crept into the top 10?

** Howard Dean's crazy scream inspired some hilarious songs and remixes.

** The Google bombing email that I got more than a dozen times: “cannot find weapons of mass destruction”.

** Agree on the “ate my balls” call. Probably the first “craze” that I saw, being a late starter on the ‘net and all.

** I’m ashamed to say I have seen all the falling down videos they mention. They missed the horrific video of the young girl (small woman?) being cleaned up by a train.

** That big fat old nude guy sitting at his computer has been sent to me three times in the past few days. A “craze” in the making?
posted by uncanny hengeman at 12:33 AM on June 6, 2004


I saw a laff-out-loud funny Domo-kun version of Steve Ballmer's “developers” rant. Set to music... with Japanese cheerleaders at the end for some strange reason.

Maybe Domo-kun ate my balls as well?
posted by uncanny hengeman at 12:38 AM on June 6, 2004

I just think we need more than the top 10... What about that incredible "J and R (J and D? - I can't remember) Productions" audio file of the guy who's trying to make it big as a concert promoter? That one made me laugh 'til I cried... over and over and over again. Somebody help me out here.
posted by taz at 1:52 AM on June 6, 2004

wow, i guess i haven't been paying attn, 'cause i missed 4 of these fabulous fads - bubb rub, peter pan, pfd, & lb! lb!. i agree ayb should have been on this list, it's a true classic. this seanbaby person (another apparent 'net phenom i've never heard of) should have done a top 20 list, 10 just isn't enough to really cover it.
posted by t r a c y at 1:55 AM on June 6, 2004

Not top 10 material, but easily top 40:

Soundboard prank calls.

Man they were funny for a while. Arnie ringing the "Gator Lodge" is probably my favorite.
posted by uncanny hengeman at 2:05 AM on June 6, 2004

What about the Bert Loves Evil/Osama Bin Laden meme? That one blew my mind...
posted by gen at 2:06 AM on June 6, 2004

relevant thread here: Bert 'n' Osama

posted by gen at 2:08 AM on June 6, 2004

The mustard guy.

The picture of the bloke holding the giant domestic cat.

The speculation over "Ginger".

"Bush or Chimp?"

That site where you had to stare at a room and that ugly creature appears and screams and scares the living bejeesus outa ya.


Nigerian scams.

"WTC jumpers" collectors cards.
posted by uncanny hengeman at 2:23 AM on June 6, 2004

Blair Witch Project.

Tucker Max.

"The Shocker".

FBI banning the Daniel Perle video.

The Jayson Blair sacking.


(getting a bit off topic, I know.)
posted by uncanny hengeman at 2:34 AM on June 6, 2004

I love that G.I. Joe crap.
posted by Pretty_Generic at 7:49 AM on June 6, 2004

Not to mention cat scans.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 8:34 AM on June 6, 2004

Flying Guy (one of my personal faves)
posted by dejah420 at 10:01 AM on June 6, 2004

Oh, and of course Cows with Guns, Anything from the Camp Chaos gang...but Naptster Bad and the Crocodile Hunter on the Playground are amongst my faves. ooooh, and Mondo Mini Shows - who didn't love Thugs on Film and the God and Devil Show?

So much goodness...so little time...
posted by dejah420 at 10:20 AM on June 6, 2004

I instantly thought of Hatten är din (from circa 2001), but it's funny (instead of plain weird) only if you speak Swedish. Definitely one of the biggest internet fads of all times in Scandinavia.
posted by ikalliom at 12:34 PM on June 6, 2004

Whatta 'bout the Punk Rock Kittens?
posted by echolalia67 at 4:58 PM on June 6, 2004

Very good call on Ate My Balls.

I almost forgot about "Ding! Fries Are Done!"
posted by SisterHavana at 5:03 PM on June 6, 2004

You're the man now, dog
I'm rick james, bitch
It's a trap
The power is yours

Not Top 10 material, but worth noting.
posted by shoepal at 9:10 PM on June 6, 2004

Not all-time classics, but similar to the above:


Badger omission = criminal.
posted by boredomjockey at 6:41 PM on June 7, 2004

The "bad day" video where the guy starts beating crap outa his computer at work.

And the series of "office Olympics" videos.
posted by uncanny hengeman at 8:12 PM on June 7, 2004

What a great thread. Shocked at how many of those I missed.
posted by feelinglistless at 4:47 PM on June 8, 2004

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