Yet Another Fractal Art Iteration
June 8, 2004 2:12 PM   Subscribe

I see your fractal art and raise you
posted by gwint at 2:51 PM on June 8, 2004

Oh well, Visual Mathematics.
posted by Gyan at 3:01 PM on June 8, 2004

Mmmmm ... Ultra-Fractal!
posted by WolfDaddy at 3:50 PM on June 8, 2004

oooh, ultra-fractal looks like a fun toy...assuming I ever have time to play...
posted by dejah420 at 6:02 PM on June 8, 2004

Am I the only one who used to use FractInt as the ultimate benchmark for your 16Mhz 386? Man, that thing was smokin' compared to my PCjr, and really flew when I put in that Cyrix 486 DX2/33 chip. Ah, those were the days.
posted by slacy at 6:30 PM on June 8, 2004

These are very nicely done! I remember watching a video on fractal images and found it rather unwatchable - the palette was way too lurid.
posted by of strange foe at 9:36 AM on June 9, 2004

slacy, I used POV-Ray, but I get your drift.

posted by WolfDaddy at 5:19 PM on June 9, 2004

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