How people describe their relationship to their own work
March 14, 2005 5:43 AM   Subscribe

How we work. "The habits, rituals and small (and occasionally big) methods people and teams use to get their work done." Includes Damien Hirst, J.G. Ballard, Pierre Omidyar, Mohamed al-Fayed, Scott McNealy, and Gibson vs Doctorow on the effect of blogging on work.
posted by iffley (6 comments total)
hahaha, very good!
posted by NinjaPirate at 5:48 AM on March 14, 2005

Very cool. I'm surpised they didn't include the Gibson quote that stuck in my mind the most when Gibson temporarily abandoned his 'blog to work on a novel, returning to "the Cornellian stage, the frame, of a formal narrative":
I’ve always known, somehow, that it would get in the way of writing fiction, and that I wouldn’t want to be trying to do both [blogging and writing] at once. The image that comes most readily to mind is that of a kettle failing to boil because the lid’s been left off.
I like that.
posted by Shane at 6:30 AM on March 14, 2005

Hah! Scott McNealy banned Powerpoint. He claims they had 12.9 gigs of PPTs before the ban.

I always figured I'd do that if I ever ran a corporation.
posted by delmoi at 7:02 AM on March 14, 2005

Fascinating. Thank you.
posted by muckster at 8:51 AM on March 14, 2005

Excellent post, thanks.
(i'm keeping the pens on
posted by 31d1 at 12:18 PM on March 14, 2005

The banning powerpoint is great. I wonder if StarImpress is also banned ;)

But it's true, powerpoint makes for lazy speakers and inattentive listeners. The ability to hold an audience with your words is becoming increasingly rare.
posted by Space Coyote at 9:15 PM on March 14, 2005

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