Too Much Blood in my stool
August 3, 2006 2:02 PM   Subscribe

TOO MUCH BLOOD IN MY STOOL! THIS COULD BE COLOGNE CANCER! (NSFW) Eddie Reedom's site, claims Josh "Chop" Towbin and Towbin Dodge (known for their silly infomercials and the A&E series King of Cars) defrauded him of $50m to $100m. Among the evidence is photos of his stool, and video of an unruly Australian Buddhist security guard who kicks Reedom's truck. While Reedom may seem a bit nuts, there are tens of millions of Americans with bad credit. If you're one of them, seek some good advice before signing up for any loan. Credit problems are enough to drive anyone insane.
posted by b_thinky (25 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Just point them here.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 2:13 PM on August 3, 2006

You just posted a picture of bloody shit to metafilter.
posted by bob sarabia at 2:18 PM on August 3, 2006

PSA: Eating too many Oreos will give your stool that "bloody" apprearance. Don't panic, just eat fewer next time.

Now you know, and knowing's half the battle.
posted by sourwookie at 2:23 PM on August 3, 2006 [1 favorite]

Bloody Shit = the new Goatse
posted by Balisong at 2:23 PM on August 3, 2006

jesus wept, man.
posted by boo_radley at 2:25 PM on August 3, 2006

That's a $30 post right there, my friend.
posted by Astro Zombie at 2:26 PM on August 3, 2006 [1 favorite]

Nothing to see here. It's just the standard "Bloodify Poo" Photoshop filter.
posted by sonofsamiam at 2:32 PM on August 3, 2006

"I might be a fag, a Jesus kind of fag"
posted by thanatogenous at 2:33 PM on August 3, 2006

Ahhh....the old "Your loan didn't go through so we need $2,000 more and you have to sign a new contract or we'll take the car back scam."

Car dealers rank about even with home improvement contractors on the trustworthiness scale. Always read the paperwork very carefully, if you don't understand everything don't sign anything! Come back at another time and bring someone along that can help you decode the financing documents. The most powerful weapon you have in your dealings with car dealers is your ability to walk away. If anything seems even a little bit "hinky" get up and walk, you won't regret it.
posted by MikeMc at 2:34 PM on August 3, 2006

If you want a real anal freakout, eat a load of beetroot.
posted by rhymer at 2:46 PM on August 3, 2006

what the hell is going on here?
posted by mrgrimm at 2:58 PM on August 3, 2006

That's a $30 post right there, my friend.

Correct. b_thinky, you owe us all $30.
posted by peep at 3:06 PM on August 3, 2006

Red Razberry Zinger
"Nope, nothing wrong here!"
posted by mischief at 3:09 PM on August 3, 2006

Cologne? Who says his shit doesn't smell?
posted by Robert Angelo at 3:21 PM on August 3, 2006

My eyes, my eyes. Why did I look?! unnnggg.
posted by nickyskye at 4:12 PM on August 3, 2006

thanks for proving my suspicions correct b_think.

From your comments I had an idea that you were a kind of republican zombie. . . but that first, and completely unnecessary link is a photo of the contents of your head isn't it?

There is nothing noteworthy or redeeming about this post other than proving that fuckwittery knows no bounds.

posted by isopraxis at 4:17 PM on August 3, 2006


Funnily enough, that's what I just did to your comment.
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 4:26 PM on August 3, 2006

The circle of life continues.
posted by isopraxis at 4:35 PM on August 3, 2006

That first link was pretty great.
posted by Tacos Are Pretty Great at 5:07 PM on August 3, 2006

mmm. chocolate strawberry bonbon.
posted by quonsar at 7:33 PM on August 3, 2006

I mean, really... Come On.

Every time I have a bloddy shit, say I ate some Gold Cap Hot Sauce with some fried chicken, and I bleed out the ass, the toilet paper usually covers the whole mess, and I sure don't take a picture of it. I may call my wife in to look at it and see if I need to go to the emergency room, but I sure don't take a picture of it and post it on the internet.

What the hell is wrong with you people?
posted by Balisong at 8:56 PM on August 3, 2006

"Cologne cancer", hilarious. Only contracted in one city in Germany or from commercial perfumes.
posted by nickyskye at 11:49 PM on August 3, 2006

Peep wrote,"Correct. b_thinky, you owe us all $30."
Suck it, bitches.

posted by boo_radley at 2:12 PM on August 4, 2006

Finally...someone can add "strawberry swirlie" to the wiki entry.
posted by boost ventilator at 7:28 PM on August 4, 2006

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