Vick Accepts Deal
August 20, 2007 11:58 AM   Subscribe

Michael Vick has agreed to a plea deal.
posted by sephira (8 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a big enough of a deal to merit a new post just for the update. Previous threads; the more recent is still open. -- cortex

Is this something I would have to live in an underground cave in the backwoods of Mars to not understand?
posted by DU at 12:00 PM on August 20, 2007

It really was his only good option, regardless of his relative guilt or innocence. With a plea deal, and the cooperation of the NFL, there is a chance he'll be playing football next season. Even if he had been found innocent, his chances of being out of the league for good were greater, as the trial was likely to take quite some time to complete.
posted by cell divide at 12:05 PM on August 20, 2007

He's that guy who plays that one sport?
posted by ORthey at 12:05 PM on August 20, 2007

And never has there been a more approriate time to use the 'motherfuckinjerk' tag.
posted by spilon at 12:06 PM on August 20, 2007

I actually wish he didn't accept a deal. I'd rather have seen him go down in flames, having to expose all of the brutal things he did to defenseless [against a group of humans] dogs...

He'll end up getting less than the max sentence and serving even less than that... sad indeed.
posted by twiggy at 12:06 PM on August 20, 2007

sports news filter?
posted by bhnyc at 12:06 PM on August 20, 2007

this is best of the web.

posted by From Bklyn at 12:08 PM on August 20, 2007

Things I was hoping for:
- a useful link,
- a fun game,
- an interesting story,
- information worth contemplation, or
- the best of the web.

Instead, I received:
- newsfilter,
- unimportant newsfilter,
- uninteresting, unimportant newsfilter,
- uninteresting, unimportant newsfilter about someone who doesn't actually contribute to society.
posted by TheNewWazoo at 12:09 PM on August 20, 2007

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