Put Your Head Between Your Legs and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye
July 28, 2008 7:20 AM   Subscribe

Having been in operation for nearly seven years now, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has released several of those universal symbols that instruct what to do in the case of a terrorist emergency. Look for them in locations that are likely targets of attack. You can peruse the signs and their definitions at homeland.gov.safenow.org.
posted by netbros (7 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: ancient dude. -- mathowie

This has to be a double. Still amusing.
posted by Outlawyr at 7:31 AM on July 28, 2008

This is old enough to deserve a 'classic' tag, since the site it parodies doesn't use those infographics any more. It's funny anyway.
posted by ardgedee at 7:39 AM on July 28, 2008

Anybody know where to get these symbols on a t-shirt?
posted by fuq at 7:40 AM on July 28, 2008

From 2003, even.
posted by Happy Dave at 7:42 AM on July 28, 2008

Metafilter: No one wants to see that.
posted by spinturtle at 7:43 AM on July 28, 2008

old as filth, but Dance! Dance! Disco Disaster! was always my fav.
posted by cashman at 7:49 AM on July 28, 2008

New to me. I laughed.
posted by fungible at 7:57 AM on July 28, 2008

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