With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant
September 8, 2008 8:14 PM   Subscribe

This post was deleted for the following reason: A single editorial that apparently everybody on the planet thinks sucks is maybe not the extra electionfilter post we need. -- cortex

What liberal media?

If there was a liberal media, they'd be arguing if Obama was too conservative to vote for.
posted by eriko at 8:17 PM on September 8, 2008 [3 favorites]

Seriously. This reads like an analysis by someone whose exposure to American media is limited to DailyKos.

Stupid lobsterbacks.
posted by Rangeboy at 8:19 PM on September 8, 2008

Nick who?
posted by zippy at 8:20 PM on September 8, 2008

You know, I miss the days of having just the one Palin thread.
posted by Artw at 8:22 PM on September 8, 2008

"As a Christian, conservative anti-abortionist who proved her support for the Iraq War by sending her son to fight in it"

mm hmm

I thought The Guardian was bolshie not neocon . . . what happened?
posted by troy at 8:26 PM on September 8, 2008

Not sure who this guy is, but I couldn't disagree with this more:

"At present, American liberals are not fighting for an Obama presidency. I suspect that most have only the haziest idea of what it would mean for their country."

I think the level of engagement this election by liberal/progressive/reality-based people comes from knowing quite well what an Obama administration would mean.
posted by jetsetsc at 8:27 PM on September 8, 2008

Worst. FPP. Evar?

And I like politics, and often wish there was more intelligent discussion of it here. But this ain't it.
posted by digaman at 8:31 PM on September 8, 2008

She's inexperienced and lies about her accomplishments. Am I attacking her or just pointing out the obvious?
posted by xammerboy at 8:33 PM on September 8, 2008

Nothing like election season to bring out a mess of single-link op-eds.
posted by mullingitover at 8:33 PM on September 8, 2008

"As a Christian, conservative anti-abortionist who proved her support for the Iraq War by sending her son to fight in it"

Is he her firstborn? Because your nation demands your firstborn.

Ok, this is my way of dealing with the involuntary shudder I experienced reading such an overt sentiment that patriotism requires you to martyr your children
posted by Durn Bronzefist at 8:35 PM on September 8, 2008

I think there is one cogent point in the article, and that is the danger of setting the bar too low. It's one of the things that happened with W. All the insiders gawped at what a dunce he was and when he actually spoke complete sentences (sometimes) and didn't stand there drooling at the podium, the public immediately discounted 90% of what the press had said.

The Democrats would be far better off painting Palin as a shrewd politician with bad policies than a "snowbilly" whose only thought is of killing her next moose.
posted by CheeseDigestsAll at 8:40 PM on September 8, 2008 [1 favorite]

This isn't rocket science. Obama's been in news for the past 20 months, consistently. Palin is a bright, new shiny toy that everyone is going ga ga over.

I'm kinda surprised, I had figured the "OMG, Obam's in trouble" media story would have started last week.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 8:40 PM on September 8, 2008

"Ok, this is my way of dealing with the involuntary shudder I experienced reading such an overt sentiment that patriotism nationalism requires you to martyr your children"


Don't worry, it's a common mistake to confuse Patriotism and Nationalism. Here's the trick to help you remember: with Nationalism, you love your country and its government and hate other countries. With Patriotism, you love your freedom and secondarily your country, and you hate your government.
posted by mullingitover at 8:41 PM on September 8, 2008

Pretty sure hating your government isn't necessary for Patriotism. It's hating bad government. A fine line, I know, but there.
posted by Caduceus at 8:49 PM on September 8, 2008 [1 favorite]

Really? This is the original Cantonese language Hong Kong trailer for Mad Monkey Kung Fu starring Liu Chia Liang, Hsiao Ho, Kara Hui, and Lo Lieh. This trailer is from the Dragon Dynasty DVD of My Young Auntie.

1:50 - You must achieve this - four styles of the palm.
2:20 - Insane slow-mo.
2:33 - Crazy double handed crab attack.
3:45 - 10 backflips through swords and nets.

(bookhouse rule)
posted by cashman at 8:50 PM on September 8, 2008 [1 favorite]

She's inexperienced and lies about her accomplishments.

CNN was speculating on candidate glossolalia this evening...if that happens, how would we know?
posted by gimonca at 8:53 PM on September 8, 2008

Caduceus writes "Pretty sure hating your government isn't necessary for Patriotism. It's hating bad government. A fine line, I know, but there."

Hating your government is all about not giving people power, giving them as little as possible when you must, trusting them as little as possible with the power they're given, and taking power away as soon as possible. Any government will drift into 'bad government' if not checked. It's the nature of the beast.
posted by mullingitover at 8:55 PM on September 8, 2008

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