Bezos Clash of Interests
June 23, 2001 11:42 PM   Subscribe

Update on Bezos' recent clash of interests (shock, horror..) book review.. [More..]
posted by Kino (5 comments total)
A few days ago you may recall Swipe66 posting this linkoid to a gushing review by chinless Amazon gaffer Jeff Bezos of a book which he had noticed just happened to be also written by one of Bozos' (i know, i know!) chums (seems the jellyfish ><)))*> also lacks a spine..). At the time of Swipes discovery and subsequent thread, the review in question had received a creepingly unjustified user-vote ratio of '18 out of 18 - helpful', now, three days after the, wait for it.. exposé, MefiPower appears to have played its part in sinking that bloated sore thumb of a tally to a more dismally appropriate count of 27 yay - 33 NAY (27 out of 60). - Writing that review not only publicly revealed a serious flaw in Mr Bezos' character - a genetic condition known as chronic integrity deficiency - but also blemished his Amazon Profile page thingy too (just for good measure). Justice has been served.. Well done Swipe. Wah Falush!
posted by Kino at 11:43 PM on June 23, 2001

At least the man is capable of writing a negative review. (Scroll down to "The 13th Warrior".)
posted by anewc2 at 7:50 AM on June 24, 2001

Yeah, him and Michael Crichton must have fell out.

'Sorry if this seems harsh, but I just don't want anyone to buy it unknowingly.'

Translation: We at Amazon deeply care about you, sincerely we do..
posted by Kino at 1:04 PM on June 24, 2001

Actually, I apoligize if my post made it look like this was my own research, I found out about it first from this Ian Blecher story, (you have to scroll halfway down), which I included with my post(I can't believe I spelled 'course' wrong).

Someone also posted this story to a few hours after I did and it turns out the NYtimes did a story on this too a couple of days previously, so this is known beyond metafilter. Apparently Bezos is unavailable for comment.

The most interesting thing is that it is still impossible to post a negative review of the book. Strangely, all the reviews are five star yet the average rating is only four stars.
posted by swipe66 at 1:50 PM on June 24, 2001

You exposed us to it Swipe, and that's what counts.

The most interesting thing is that it is still impossible to post a negative review of the book

Really? That's disgusting!. My browser already feels slightly soiled everytime i click a link to Amazon (Ive never been quite sure why - but i trust its instincts)...

Strangely, all the reviews are five star yet the average rating is only four stars

Good job Bezos isn't a politician because he'd probably get promoted for this.
posted by Kino at 5:43 PM on June 24, 2001

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