Sideblog Archive

March 31, 2015
Eyebrows McGee asks Mefites to Tell Us A Fascinating Thing About Yourself.

March 30, 2015
ryanrs on "what recreational espionage looks like in EVE" (and why EVE has rich espionage gameplay and other games don't) in a question about hobbyist espionage groups.

March 27, 2015
"take a deep breath...": Mefite paramedics skyl1n3 and itstheclamsname offer pro advice on an ambulance traffic etiquette question.

March 24, 2015
sciatrix and Iridic put the cart before the hordes today with great posts on the history of the dog cart and a glossary of carriages

March 17, 2015
"decentralized and borderline anarchic": Suelac offers search tips and breaks down some of the search and rating terms for fanfiction, and several members share reading recommendations in the Fanmade World discussion.

March 4, 2015
After 16 years of running the show, Matt announced his stepping away from the day-to-day operations at MetaFilter.

March 1, 2015
Last July, the community encouraged women on Metafilter to post more during #JulyByWomen; now we're doing it again, for #WomensMarch! Check out the Metatalk thread for more info and help/mentoring/brainstorming, and start your posting engines.

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