Sideblog Archive

January 26, 2016
New profile page visibility options: Members can now choose to make their "Contributions" and "Social" fields visible only to logged-in members, and can choose to enter their geographic coordinates without this info being visible. See all the details in this Metatalk post.

January 16, 2016
forza asks, What kinds of not-regular-but-important things for lifestyle maintenance should I, as a theoretically-responsible adult, be tracking?: Adults just know these things, I guess

January 13, 2016
If you're mourning the Starman or the Goblin King, you're not alone. Come join Mefi's David Bowie wake, a thread full of good links and stories and meditations on what he meant to us.

January 6, 2016
"Your Treen is a Loodklopper": Too-Ticky has the answer to une_heure_pleine's mystery object Ask Me post, wherein we learn that "treen" is the "generic name for small handmade functional household objects made of wood"

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