Sideblog Archive
August 27, 2018
A great thread on Alberta and it's apparent singular lack of rats, plus everything you didn't know that you really, really wanted to know about Warfarin.
August 26, 2018
Buy, Buy Birdy: Teaching capitalism to corvids with the open source Crowbox experimentation platform.
August 25, 2018
Seeking Sinister Bildungsromans: rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto is looking for "a specific type of novel that is the definition of "comfort" for me - a loner attends a school/college, is adopted by an inner circle (usually led by one charismatic member), and after a period of euphoria realizes that there’s something sinister afoot."
August 18, 2018
Don't forget to remember to check out Wolfdog's fascinating post on augmenting long-term memory, featuring an essay on personal memory systems by Michael Nielsen.
August 16, 2018
Alright. I've been a high end cook/chef and I've also worked for as 'Big Mayo' a company as you can in the world. I know mayo inside and out - from making it in small batches, to mass production and sourcing, to which demographics and some indication as to 'why' those demographics buy it. Nanukthedog gives us the inside scoop on Mayonnaise.
August 14, 2018
Robot History; Cannibal Robots; Wakey-wakey, Roverbot; Robot Taxi; Robot Fears; Injury Bot; Roboraptor vs Puppies; shittyrobots tag; Bite my shiny metal asp; Space Robots for everyone; Robot playlist for kiddo.
August 12, 2018
Pull up a chair and sit down, as EmpressCallipygos 'splains what to do with
millions of peaches (or other produce)
Elsewhere on our plate:
Salad Fight! | 1,500 year old New Mexican beans | An Alphabet of international bread recipes | Reclaiming Canadian indigenous cuisine | As Muslim-American as bean pie | We all scream for ... mayo ice cream? | Sugartime by Ruby Tandoh | Forgotten Southern Recipes | An illustrated compendium of Chinese baos | Verbing the taco | The story of Chop Ayam
And finally, for those of us less culinarily evolved, have we even been opening our cans the wrong way?
August 11, 2018
We are a fam of 4 living in an apartment on the first floor of a two story building with two cats in NYC, and we don't get a lot of ventilation... RajahKing asks, "Beyond the basics of keeping our apartment clean," how do I make my apartment smell fresher and better?. DSime (among others) has answers.
August 10, 2018
The Art of the Steal: "They were a quiet couple that kept to themselves"; running the jewels (HT: gwint); the world's top art forgery detective; hunting the con queen of Hollywood; how to steal a shark, baby; how to steal it all.
August 8, 2018
Wholly Ghost: Ghost Characters; Ghost Child; Ghost Letters; Ghost Ship; Ghost Planes; Ghost Jokes; Ghost Protocol; Ghost in the Dunes; Ghost in the Machine.
August 7, 2018
In Ask Metafilter, srednivashtar wonders, Where have all the music blogs gone?
Meanwhile, in music musings on Mefi: "Nardis" and the Curious History of a Jazz Obsession | William Shatner’s "Has Been" | Do we finally know what ancient Greek music sounded like? | The last few decades of The Fall | "How we made Steppenwolf's 'Born to Be Wild'" (plus covers!) | Jambinai Korean post-rock band | Etienne De Crecy, Rhythm Composer | "Jee Veerey" Indian folk metal | The story behind "Afternoon Delight."
August 6, 2018
Euphonious euschmonious: Warrnambool's wombat; NESS not NEZ; Commensalist Lorax; HAMMACHER SCHLEMMER!; Beano of Dundee; Painswick nibbles, pub butty & more; Fox Amoore Stitches; Feierabend, et al; Chicken Diapers; Dada à la Dupré; Epithelial Scutoids; Imperiled Achoques.
August 5, 2018
Currently in Our Pants: Ants, Ants, Ants, Bees, Bees, Bugs, Bugs, SPIDERS!
August 4, 2018
Women's Work: Listing the greatest songs by 21st century women; acquiring Artemesia Gentileschi; remembering activist Maria L. de Hernandez; applauding Therese Okoumou, shero for liberty; celebrating Kate Bush & Emily Brontë; & Emily Brontë; & Emily Carr, Canadian art pioneer; energizing recognition for women of science; peeking at Parker Posy's memoir; enjoying Nahre Sol's Pocket Pieces compositions; feeling good with Summery Lesbian Movies for Summer Lesbianing.
August 3, 2018
New merch alert! We've got a raaaaad There is no Cabal t-shirt (and etc) design up for sale, based on art by MeFi's own robocop is bleeding!
August 2, 2018
It's episode 143 of the MetaFilter monthly podcast, and cortex and jessamyn are chatterin' about all KIIIIINDS of stuff.
Back to the archive.