DC Government at work.
September 10, 2001 6:34 PM   Subscribe

DC Government at work. (Warning, this is a hard story to read.) The government of the District of Columbia may be among the most incompetent and badly run in the US. Here's another example of its efficiency. DC does not have a constitutional right to home rule; that was granted to it by Congress. Is it time for Congress to revoke its charter and replace the entire governmental structure from the top to the bottom? (In the mean time, I'd like to see some criminal prosecutions of the people involved in this tragedy. No little girl should be treated this way. And I want to know what they're going to do to make sure this isn't still happening to other kids.)
posted by Steven Den Beste (8 comments total)
I want to know if anyone profited from her death (I'm serious). Ever since the cancer fiasco I can't help but wonder if someone's political or financial ambitions got in the way of these children. Was someone making money off the meds or the repeat exams? I hate to think it was just out of total indifference.
posted by geoff. at 7:09 PM on September 10, 2001

Bring back mayor Barely, uh, Barry!

Actually DC government is pretty damn shaky, but I've heard that Rhode Island could give it a run for it's money on impropriety.

And there's always Louisiana...
posted by NortonDC at 7:09 PM on September 10, 2001

what struck me was how "unaware" everyone seemed and more disturbing was its matter-of-factness:

"Kids get lost in follow-ups," Choy said. "No one was watching out for her."
posted by kliuless at 8:35 PM on September 10, 2001

Sadly, this happens all over the place, not just in DC. I know of a case (can't say more) where a social worker falsified her records for at least two years. There are people in the system she signed off on who were never given the home visits required by law and so forth. The department may face severe sanctions for failing to supervise her. (In those two years, she was given good marks.)
posted by dhartung at 8:59 PM on September 10, 2001

Unfortunetly, things like this happen all the time. Everywhere. It hardly seems like a reson to tare down and rebuild all of the DC local government.
posted by delmoi at 9:13 PM on September 10, 2001

DC does not have a constitutional right to home rule; that was granted to it by Congress. Is it time for Congress to revoke its charter and replace the entire governmental structure from the top to the bottom?

No, it's time for the opposite approach: allow DC full representation in the US Congress. One of the reasons DC's government is so poorly run is the lack of home rule. Congressman constantly butt in into local policy, making it that much more difficult for DC to govern itself.
posted by jameschandler at 9:30 PM on September 10, 2001

DC doesn't even really have much of a government. Not like any place in the country. It's budget is allocated by Congress. The mayor has no power at all, except over stuff like stationery and water fountains. Actually the fountains are probably Park Police. The whole place is just strange.

I couldn't even finish reading that article, by the way. Too depressing.
posted by donkeymon at 10:01 PM on September 10, 2001

Maybe it's time for a new license plate - No representation without adult supervision.

Jamesschandler, most of the problems in DC's government have not come from Congress "butting in" but from the corruption and incompetence of the officials elected by DC's population, such as former Mayor-for-Life Marion Barry. Home rule has been a disaster. Even Anthony Williams, who is a wonderful mayor by comparison to his predecessor, would be regarded a dismal failure anywhere else.

Congress has stepped in typically to avert crisis, such as with the financial control board. Congress did not institute the cronyism, nepotism, corruption, and apathy that typify DC's bureaucracy.

Although, frankly, I'd be willing to slash the federal district and give the rest of DC back to Maryland where it belongs. Let them be represented by Barbara Mikulski.
posted by mikewas at 6:26 AM on September 11, 2001

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