October 9, 2001
7:35 AM   Subscribe

Bush's reading age is improving
posted by redhead (12 comments total)
does anyone know his real IQ?
i know that practical smarts are not measured by this scale, but the abilities measured could have some bearing on one's suitability as a world leader...
posted by asok at 7:52 AM on October 9, 2001

I find it interesting that comments attributed to Ari Fleischer are distinctly European: "events of 11 September", "barely read a beer mat"...

Jolly good.
posted by hotdoughnutsnow at 7:57 AM on October 9, 2001

asok - You do know that study is a fraud right?
posted by revbrian at 8:09 AM on October 9, 2001

A cheeky rub of Bush! A proper piss-out taken!

The site is clearly a parody/satire site.
posted by RoyalJack at 8:21 AM on October 9, 2001

I have been really impressed with bush's speeches lately...he must have a damn good material writer!
posted by h0ney at 8:23 AM on October 9, 2001

revbrian - yup

'About the authors: Cristina L. Borenstein and Lana Taamar are both recently off the campaign trail where they served as receptionists for the Pennsylvania chapter of Gore For President, Inc., and have co-written the eBook Gore Got Gored. Together they publish the The Pennsylvania Court Observer which has a circulation of 5.

Dr. Lovenstein lives in a mobile home in Scranton, Pennsylvania with his long time companion Patricia F. Dilliams. When the two are not publishing reports for their Lovenstein Institute, they run an internet business.'
posted by asok at 8:34 AM on October 9, 2001

While I know this is a parody site, why are they ragging on Blair? Failed Rock Star? Son of God? What's up with that?
posted by Rastafari at 9:36 AM on October 9, 2001

Partner in Crime?
posted by redhead at 10:53 AM on October 9, 2001

New York Times Magazine (yeah, registration required) last weekend had a great article about how the big "Joint session of congress and on live TV" speech was put together. Great lines:

His edits tend to simplify. He is a parer. ''Bush favors active verbs and short sentences,'' Rove said.

which means he hates big words.
posted by rev- at 11:35 AM on October 9, 2001

which means he hates big words.

Not necessarily. Maybe his audience hates big words.

Oh wait, he was talking to the American public, who are all highly literate. My bad.
posted by kindall at 1:34 PM on October 9, 2001

I eagerly look forward to things that make fun of Bush, but not when they are crashingly obvious and really just not very clever. On the other hand, it was amateurishly written!

Bah. I thought it was lame.
posted by Skot at 1:43 PM on October 9, 2001

rev- and kindall: Why, Bush sounds almost Churchillian! "Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all." Take a look at the quotes on the above URL'ed page, and on this one. Lots of short words. Lots of active verbs. Bush is not a very good speaker, certainly not a Churchill, and how much of the language of his speeches he writes himself is unknown. But if he prefers short words, he has been taught correctly how to construct strong English prose.
posted by Slithy_Tove at 3:49 AM on October 11, 2001

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