Not changed: the Spread Gun is still ridiculous.
February 12, 2012 7:16 AM   Subscribe

Super Mario Bros. Crossover 2.0 is out! An expansion on the original game, which let you play as various NES characters transplanted into Super Mario Bros., but using the rules and abilities of those characters from their original games, version 2 offers more special abilities, more characters, and your choice of audiovisual "skins" based on four Mario games from the NES, SNES, and Gameboy, along with one based on Demon Returns. There's even instructions for playing with a gamepad! For more information, see the Super Mario Bros. Crossover Wiki or watch the exciting Super Mario Bros. Crossover trailer! [Previously]
posted by Pope Guilty (14 comments total) 49 users marked this as a favorite
Wow. This is... just... awesome.
posted by Jelly at 7:43 AM on February 12, 2012

I've been looking at that page (first link) for two minutes, and I can't figure out where to click in order to actually play.

Would someone explain the painfully obvious to me?

I'm using Safari | OS X
posted by sidereal at 7:56 AM on February 12, 2012

Click on the game screen itself once it has loaded up and the music starts playing.
posted by Jelly at 8:19 AM on February 12, 2012

Oh, hey, selecting the character with the X button gives you a choice between a bunch of characters from that game! Sweet!
posted by griphus at 8:20 AM on February 12, 2012

Click on the game screen itself

*sigh* I take it that this is a Flash-Only interface then. (thanks Jelly)
posted by sidereal at 8:33 AM on February 12, 2012

sidereal: Chrome has its own built-in Flash thingy and is my go-to browser for flash-intensive web stuff. I use Safari on OS X most of the time myself, but Chrome is great for doing something like playing this game.
posted by hippybear at 8:41 AM on February 12, 2012 [1 favorite]

You just killed productivity for the rest of the day. My employer will not be happy.
posted by Fizz at 8:42 AM on February 12, 2012

Oh, the SNES version is great. As an SNES-era gamer, the 8-bit stuff doesn't quite tweak my nostalgia button like 16-bit does.
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 8:53 AM on February 12, 2012 [1 favorite]

This is why copyright violation is awesome.

Not joking.
posted by LogicalDash at 8:55 AM on February 12, 2012 [8 favorites]

Oh, hey, selecting the character with the X button gives you a choice between a bunch of characters from that game! Sweet!

You can play this game as Dr. Wily YOU CAN PLAY THIS GAME AS DR. WILY
posted by Navelgazer at 9:13 AM on February 12, 2012 [5 favorites]

Released in PAL territories as Super Childhood in a Blender Simulator 2.
posted by byanyothername at 9:29 AM on February 12, 2012 [2 favorites]

I've been playing as the Contra dude all morning. This is the greatest thing ever. You get that spread gun and a star and you're just this all-powerful invincible monster.
posted by mannequito at 12:07 PM on February 12, 2012

hey it is those games i have heard of at one point and now they are together whereas originally they were not so
posted by This, of course, alludes to you at 12:49 PM on February 12, 2012

yes, and it's awesome.
posted by Hoopo at 3:51 PM on February 12, 2012 [2 favorites]

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