This mold that I was not made into
June 14, 2012 3:01 PM   Subscribe

Benji Schwimmer, the winner of So You Think You Can Dance's second season, is a West Coast Swing choreographer and dancer, serves as artistic director for LeAnn Rimes and Paula Abdul, and co-choreographed US figure skater Jeremy Abbott's short routine. Raised in an observant Latter-Day Saints household, Benji served a two-year mission in Mexico. On May 30, Benji recorded an interview lasting nearly 5 1/2 hours in which he described his attempts to reconcile his sexual identity with his faith and, for the first time, stated publicly that he is gay.

The video has been posted in three parts:
  • Part One: Childhood and LDS Mission (1hr33m)
  • Part Two: So You Think You Can Dance (1hr58m)
  • Part Three: Sexuality & Faith (2hr6m)

    Audio-only files (iTunes):
  • Part One
  • Part Two
  • Part Three

    The Schwimmer family is well-known in swing and dance circles. Benji's sister Lacey and cousin Heidi Groskreuz were also SYTYCD competitors. For six seasons, Lacey was one of the professional dancers on the US Dancing With the Stars; in 2011, she partnered Chaz Bono. Benji and Lacey's father Buddy appeared on Dance Fever in the 1970s, and now runs the World Swing Championships each year.
  • posted by catlet (26 comments total) 37 users marked this as a favorite
    Be sure not to miss the second half of hour three. Don't skip straight to it though or you'll miss all the context.
    posted by michaelh at 3:10 PM on June 14, 2012 [1 favorite]

    Yeah, if you don't want to watch the whole thing, watch Part Three. I tried to find transcripts, but there aren't any. It seems like a great opportunity to use Fanscribed (previously on MetaTalk).
    posted by catlet at 3:21 PM on June 14, 2012

    This guy is awesome. For those on the fence about plunging into something so lengthy, it's actually really entertaining.
    posted by eugenen at 3:25 PM on June 14, 2012

    This is great.
    posted by yeti at 3:29 PM on June 14, 2012

    i got a ping on my gaydar the first time i saw him on SYTYCD, saw that he was mormon, and got pretty sad (a similar feeling happens pretty much every time they stop in salt lake, as you can usually find at least one devout looking closeted person). i grew up queer in the mormon church and it's not an easy row to hoe. i'm so glad for him now. i don't know if the damage of the upbringing ever goes away, but that moment you realize "hey, maybe it's not me that's broken, but them" is powerful and wonderful.
    posted by nadawi at 3:48 PM on June 14, 2012 [12 favorites]

    I've only skimmed the Yahoo article for now, but this leaped out at me:
    Benji also discusses his past struggles with thoughts of suicide and even the idea of castrating himself and taking reverse-hormonal pills so that he would no longer have any homosexual urges. "Do you believe that I should be celibate for the rest of my life? Is man meant to be alone in this life?" he asked one church advisor, who warned Benji that any traditional marriage to a woman would be doomed, but also told him that a physical relationship with a man was out of the question.
    1. Poor kid, but it sounds like he's out and happy now, so I'm really glad for him.

    2. Lucky kid. He got a counsellor who didn't believe in unicorns. With no plausible escape route within the church, he got to find his own way out.

    (I still feel really conflicted about Josh Weed. He may well be happy, but the pressure put on other gay LDS men to do as he did must be huge. Schwimmer went public May 30, a week before Weed, so I don't think his interview was a response to that story.)
    posted by maudlin at 4:23 PM on June 14, 2012 [1 favorite]

    I just love Gay Mormon Week on MetaFilter!
    posted by mrgrimm at 4:24 PM on June 14, 2012 [12 favorites]

    I'm making my "I'm shocked at this development" face
    posted by Renoroc at 4:44 PM on June 14, 2012

    yeah, we watched that season of SYTYCD for Benji and we openly discussed (at the time) our hopes that Benji would eventually find his way OUT. glad tidings, this!
    posted by squasha at 4:52 PM on June 14, 2012

    Good for him. It takes a lot of guts to deal with this in such a public way.
    posted by BlahLaLa at 5:12 PM on June 14, 2012

    TWF - it could also be that thing that happens where certain areas/wards/people say things that aren't true/backed up by the church and the people they're counseling believe it comes from the church, not from that one person/ward/etc. i had the same issue with the church (which turned out to be an issue with a specific bishop) when i was told the official position was that rape/molestation victims had to repent for it.
    posted by nadawi at 5:14 PM on June 14, 2012

    What is this new policy you speak of? I'm too lazy to deal with anything other than text.
    posted by mecran01 at 5:15 PM on June 14, 2012

    I can't even imagine how hard it must be to struggle with the idea that the thing you base your life on is in deep conflict with who you are. He seems to be coping with it about as well as anybody possibly could, and I wish him the best.
    posted by jacquilynne at 5:29 PM on June 14, 2012

    i've heard that same BSA justification, which maybe angered me more because mormon involvement in BSA is what drove the policy to begin with (or at least that's the prevailing perception).
    posted by nadawi at 5:35 PM on June 14, 2012

    Schwimmer is fantastic and he deserves to be happy.

    Here he is on SYTYCD dancing cha-cha. And mambo. And Broadway. And hip-hop. And here is a West Coast Swing (performed by Pasha Kovalev and Sara Von Gillern) choreographed by Benji. And a Lindy Hop he choreographed for SYTYCD Canada (performed by Izaak Smith and Arassay Reyes). (There's a really fun cha-cha he choreoed for SYTYCD Canada as well but I can't find it online.)

    I do this so everybody can appreciate him for more than his (quite brave) coming-out. Because he is an awesome dude.
    posted by mightygodking at 7:22 PM on June 14, 2012 [5 favorites]

    Good for him. I watched quite a bit of this interview, and he did try to reconcile his faith with his sexuality in the way his church wanted him to, but just couldn't do it. He's immensely popular, and in the public eye, and his way of describing his journey is just so rational, emotional, and real.

    Good for him, again.
    posted by xingcat at 7:27 PM on June 14, 2012

    Also, after so many years of "Dancing with the Stars," watching real pros dance real dances makes me appreciate real dancing talent.
    posted by xingcat at 7:30 PM on June 14, 2012

    Gay mormon week on metafilter continues with this moving blog post from a woman describing her life as the wife of a gay LDS man.
    posted by chrchr at 8:13 PM on June 14, 2012 [4 favorites]

    Some words come to mind: darkness; courage; revelation; joy. This guy found his God in the most authentic way. This interview should be required viewing in every high school in America - public and private.
    posted by Vibrissae at 9:40 PM on June 14, 2012

    Benji is still one of my all-time SYTYCD favorites. He just exudes joy when he dances. I'm glad he can have a shot in having that in the rest of his life now.
    posted by freshwater at 10:44 AM on June 15, 2012

    i finally watched the entire thing. it is so, so worth it. heartbreaking in many ways and a story i recognize - struggling with spiritual experiences and the church leadership...powerful stuff.

    also, if you love SYTYCD, you should really watch that middle section. he drops bombs. not necessarily surprising bombs and not detailed bombs, but all the same it's someone from the show directly confirming some stuff. also, i am so damn curious about which male dancer he nearly kissed! now i'm going to be pawing through fanfic (ps, that's one of the things he talks about in part 2 - viewing fanfic of him and the boy he secretly fancies).
    posted by nadawi at 5:22 PM on June 15, 2012 [1 favorite]

    I haven't finished watching yet (still have more than an hour of the final video), but I just want to get this out there:

    It's interesting how Benji seems to have relaxed only those value judgments necessary to promote his own emotional welfare. At times, he still seems (at best) bewildered, or possibly even contemptuous, of homosexuals who display stereotypical traits like the lisp or limp-wrist flop, or of transsexuals.
    posted by The Confessor at 10:34 AM on June 16, 2012

    i think he still has some growing to do. i think all his classes and workbooks on finding masculinity, as well as what seems to be some really awful bullying, has given him some ideas that he'll relax over time.

    i think it might be closer to the end, so you might not have gotten there yet, but he talks about how when touring the gay film circuit he saw gays that weren't promiscuous or leather clad, which seems to have been a new experience for him. i think through dance and repressed homosexuals at his church he's only seen the lisp and the limp wrist in conjunction with promiscuity and drug use (like his coach who died of aids contracted at byu gay sex parties). i think he draws a big bright line between gay and the gay lifestyle (which he thinks is all poppers and clubs and multiple partners). exposure to all kinds will help that, i think.

    i also think it's part of what he talks about in the second video - as a dancer you spend all your time looking in the mirror, critiquing every single thing about yourself. he's had 22ish years of actively repressing his homosexuality and so he's spent a long time making sure he doesn't present as gay (which, he pretty much failed at because gayness isn't a flick of the wrist or guyliner, it's something within you, something you are). sometimes i also think he's making therapy jokes - like, if you're in a group of repressed homosexuals trying to pray away the gay, you're going to make some limp wrist jokes.

    i disagree that he he's bewildered or contemptuous of transexuals/drag queens - he mentions affectionately many times the drag performers his parents knew and the drag and trans people he met on the gay film circuit. the only trans person i remember him being mean towards was the one who bullied his sister. i think if he were more open to discussing it, the reason he doesn't like SYTYCD anymore is treatment his sister received behind the scenes. he's fiercely protective of her.
    posted by nadawi at 11:51 AM on June 16, 2012 [1 favorite]

    You're right, nadawi; the "gay film circuit" part came up about five minutes after I posted, and I was immediately second-guessing some of my assumptions... and your analysis of how his views are still affected by years of bullying and hyper-analytic repression is spot on. Regarding his views on transsexuals, I was relying on a single instance (and I should have specified as much), and had completely forgotten his nostalgic mention of drag performers.
    posted by The Confessor at 12:10 PM on June 16, 2012

    i don't think you were wrong to bring it up. i flinched a little a few times. i listened out of order, so i went part 3 then 1 then 2, so i had heard the gay film circuit story before i heard some of his tales from teen/early adulthood, which i think helped me come to my conclusions. i think he's got a long road ahead of him still, i just think he's moved his biggest obstacle. as he talks about faith being a glass ball and once you drop it, you're examining everything - i did that and i remember that i had some really weird ideas for years as i was figuring how who i was and who the church influenced me into being.
    posted by nadawi at 12:36 PM on June 16, 2012

    Truly the best of the web. Watched it all from start to finish. Deeply engrossing. My heart hurts for this mans struggles. I wish him nothing but happiness in the years to come.
    posted by jopreacher at 6:11 PM on June 23, 2012 [1 favorite]

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