Insolence raised to the status of a fine art
April 25, 2013 6:12 AM   Subscribe

Despite her varied accomplishments, it seems Nelly Kaplan remains largely unknown outside of France.
The only female filmaker linked with surrealism; she is known for films that utilize her unique combination of gentleness, grotesquerie, vulgarity, boldness, and contradiction.
La Fiancee du Pirate (1969) is online (Also known as "A Very Curious Girl" and "Dirty Mary") .
It was praised by one of greatest fans Pablo Picasso as insolence raised to the status of a fine art.
(Her 1967 documentary Le Regard Picasso won a Golden Lion at Venice but seems to have practically disappeared).
posted by adamvasco (1 comment total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
Love it! Just flipping through it I landed on a scene in which the blasée protagonist eyes her lover (the pirate, I have to assume) and growls "Undress quickly; I have guests arriving soon."
posted by Mooseli at 6:48 AM on April 25, 2013 [1 favorite]

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