AIDS Timeline:1926-Present
December 1, 2001 5:02 PM   Subscribe

AIDS Timeline:1926-Present with comprehensive links, thanks to Sister Mary Elizabeth of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and AEGIS (AIDS Education Global Information System), "...a service the Centers for Disease Control calls 'the best of its kind'..." (See How Aegis Began) People making a difference.
posted by Voyageman (1 comment total)
Reads like a stomach-churning stroll down memory lane, albeit a necessary journey (the direct AEGIS link, which you provided, is a much more vital reference). Thanks, Voyageman.

From the "Where were you when..?" file; I remember being maybe 15 years of age when the term AIDS finally "hit" me in a grocery store, associating it, incorrectly to say the least, with "Aids" the chocolate diet "candy" (remember those?). I still remember where the "Aids" were located and on which aisle, knowing I should stay away from them.
posted by G_Ask at 9:13 PM on December 1, 2001

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