Some tricks
July 30, 2013 10:59 PM   Subscribe

So, getting my dog to "sit" was not that big a deal, eh?
posted by HuronBob at 11:10 PM on July 30, 2013 [2 favorites]

Incredible - this dog is a mammal that's been socially conditioned to perform a repertoire of unnatural tricks that rivals that of 7 billion modern homo sapiens.
posted by crayz at 11:18 PM on July 30, 2013 [1 favorite]

Jumpy knows 11 more tricks than I do.
posted by mochapickle at 11:22 PM on July 30, 2013 [13 favorites]

I was sort of ambivalent at first; I've known plenty of trick-happy dogs in my day. But then there's the bit with the scooter zipping down the road and you could just imagine Jumpy going "wheeeeeeeeeeee~" and now I'm sold.
posted by Mizu at 11:24 PM on July 30, 2013 [4 favorites]

That was absolutely lovely, but too bad that it ended with a blatant lie. Jumpy obviously never sleeps.
posted by maudlin at 12:22 AM on July 31, 2013

I'm impressed. My wife is pretty smart but she struggles with "left" and "right" and although I've helped her train for skateboarding off a ramp on all fours for years and she still doesn't always land perfectly.
posted by MuffinMan at 1:13 AM on July 31, 2013 [4 favorites]

We had a problem with the cat scratching our couch, so our solution was to start giving her treats whenever she would use the scratcher we bought her. So now she just uses the scratcher at random times, and then looks at us until we give her a treat. I realized the other day, that I'm not actually sure who trained who in that situation.
posted by empath at 1:26 AM on July 31, 2013 [13 favorites]

I love the way his tail wags when he's skateboarding.
posted by ob1quixote at 2:07 AM on July 31, 2013

Why does Jumpy perform some of the commands before the guy says them?
posted by gjc at 2:23 AM on July 31, 2013

Dogs usually respond better to hand signals than voice commands.
posted by empath at 2:47 AM on July 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Also, cos he's jumpy.
posted by MuffinMan at 3:31 AM on July 31, 2013 [4 favorites]

'pee on mommy'.

um, what?
posted by fuzzypantalones at 7:43 AM on July 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

It's amazing how Jumpy has trained his human to say "look to the left" or "look to the right" just by turning his head in one direction or the other.

Pretty cool skateboarding, though.
posted by alms at 7:48 AM on July 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Incredible - this dog is a mammal that's been socially conditioned to perform a repertoire of unnatural tricks that rivals that of 7 billion modern homo sapiens.

Congratulations! You've unlocked the achievement where you just suck the fun out of everything, and also we should get off your lawn forever. I'm excited.
posted by kbanas at 7:57 AM on July 31, 2013 [9 favorites]

Jumpy is one damn good dog. His trust in his trainer when he takes the flying leap off of the van into his arms is really neat to see. His scootering is also amazing. I was imagining me running the other way and coming around that bend to happen upon a dog smiling and wagging his tail as he cruises past me, totally in control, at about 15 miles per hour. I would have sh*t myself right then and there.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 8:10 AM on July 31, 2013 [4 favorites]

Jumpy sure is jumpy, but the voiceover sounds to my ears like it was added in post.
posted by emelenjr at 8:18 AM on July 31, 2013

7 billion modern homo sapiens

If I'm the only person in the world who can't just handstand walk at will, then I appreciate how the rest of you haven't been constantly rubbing it in my face.
posted by figurant at 8:19 AM on July 31, 2013 [6 favorites]

a repertoire of unnatural tricks that rivals that of 7 billion modern homo sapiens

Yeah, everyone I know and every stranger I see on the street is constantly backflipping off of another person's chest ten feet into the air and snatching a flying frisbee in her or his mouth and sticking the landing. Constantly! I myself can't stop doing it. I did it earlier this morning on accident. But I don't need to tell you, reader! You are probably doing the same thing right now and reading this comment simultaneously.
posted by sleevener at 8:20 AM on July 31, 2013 [4 favorites]

Aw heck, sleevener, isn't that how you flip someone off?
posted by kinnakeet at 8:30 AM on July 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Fun video, but it's obviously Jackie Chan in a dog suit.
posted by Atom Eyes at 8:57 AM on July 31, 2013 [2 favorites]

If you like Jumpy, you'll LOVE Skidboot (and his owner, who is one neat guy)
posted by HuronBob at 9:20 AM on July 31, 2013 [4 favorites]

Jumpy certainly can skateboard better than I can but what I really want to know is how he brakes on that scooter.
posted by ooga_booga at 10:45 AM on July 31, 2013

My new dream dog is an Australian cattle dog, after seeing Jumpy and the dog Jack, famous for reddit's "stuff on my dog's head" post.
posted by shortyJBot at 11:08 AM on July 31, 2013

Fun video, but it's obviously Jackie Chan in a dog suit

Jackie Chien?

posted by emelenjr at 11:15 AM on July 31, 2013 [3 favorites]

Dogs usually respond better to hand signals than voice commands.

He is either responding to hand signals or is trying to guess at what he'll be asked to do next. It's why you have careful to mix up the order when you're practicing. If you always follow "sit" with "lay down" then you'll tell your dog to sit and he'll sit and then just lay down command or no and expect his reward.

A lot of dogs will still, once they've realized that you're in the middle of a training session, will just try different tricks that they know in the hopes that they'll guess the right one and get rewarded.


I'm always so totally in awe of these dogs and their owners. Australian Cattle Dogs and border collies have just the right combination of intelligence and willingness to please that makes them able to crazy tricks. My dog, an Akita, is plenty smart but very rarely does anything just because it will make me happy. If she doesn't see the point of something, I have a really hard time convincing her to do it.

I still can't fathom how these people go about teaching some of these tricks. It's not like you can just explain what you want.
posted by VTX at 11:22 AM on July 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Border Collies and Auzzie Cattle Dogs damn near teach themselves these tricks. Half of the commands my old Auzzie, Bandit, knew I don't ever remember teaching him. He just sorta picked up a bunch of commands on his own.

My mom to this day swears he could understand english.
posted by The Power Nap at 11:42 AM on July 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Incredible - this dog is a mammal that's been socially conditioned to perform a repertoire of unnatural tricks that rivals that of 7 billion modern homo sapiens.

A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his dog. He watched the game in astonishment for a while. "I can hardly believe my eyes!" he exclaimed. "That's the smartest dog I've ever seen."

"Nah, he's not so smart," the friend replied. "I've beaten him three games out of five."
posted by obscure simpsons reference at 11:52 AM on July 31, 2013 [5 favorites]

HuronBob - thanks for the link to the Skidboot video! I'm from that culture in Texas, and it brings back my fondest memories of childhood. Plus, SKIDBOOOOOT!!!!
posted by nosila at 2:15 PM on July 31, 2013

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