Joing! I never meta-blog... wait, that's been done...
April 12, 2000 9:05 PM   Subscribe

Joing! I never meta-blog... wait, that's been done... The foopster tosses his hat into the ring of blog blogging. I'm hoping this is going to give Sally a run for her money.
posted by Neale (5 comments total)
Haven't you heard? After today's trading on NASDAQ, Sally's at Three-penny and still falling. Stay tuned; I've still got about two weeks of meta-stuff to catch up on. And, Neale, flattery will get you nowhere, I still think the Elian Blog sucks Cuban cigars (now THAT'S a mixed metaphor!)
posted by wendell at 9:59 PM on April 12, 2000

Cool, insults! Let's have an argument.
Who do you want to be, jorn or dave?
Actually, bags you dave.
posted by Neale at 10:05 PM on April 12, 2000

My secret plan: goad the Wetboy into replacing his Elian Blog with a Wendell-bashing page at just about the time the major media discovers his Cuban schtick and starts pointing to it... who needs the linksluts webring?
posted by wendell at 10:16 PM on April 12, 2000

I love you wendell... I want to uplink and create a stack of mutual scions with you.
posted by CrazyUncleJoe at 10:00 AM on April 13, 2000

Joe, you're really starting to creep me out...
Now, hurry up and make me a Guerrilla Banner. I'm getting a little tired of Lucy...
posted by wendell at 11:04 AM on April 13, 2000

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