i see the circle
September 8, 2013 7:38 PM   Subscribe

Hahaha I had this exact same reaction the other day! There was a trending topic on Twitter called #BeliebersLoveDirectioners and it was all sixteen-year-old girls sagely explaining to thirteen-year-old girls about how they can empathize with and tolerate their worship of a false idols.

Like the creators of this video my mind went immediately towards the absurdly profound, and I wrote this about my out-of-body experience: "We Are All Beliebers And Directioners, And One Way We Shall All Be Free."

Boy bands are fucking hilarious.
posted by Rory Marinich at 7:55 PM on September 8, 2013

what the hell did I just watch?
posted by exhilaration at 8:17 PM on September 8, 2013

Ivan Turgenev's 15 year old daughter has a slumber party!
posted by GoingToShopping at 8:21 PM on September 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

Wow. This is from Glenn Beck's theblaze.com?
posted by birdherder at 8:28 PM on September 8, 2013

I'm only hoping that this instigates some sort of twitter war between One Directioners and another equally irrational, partisan, vindictive, and quick-to-fly-off-the-handle group: English Football Supporters.
posted by TheWhiteSkull at 8:35 PM on September 8, 2013

I was thinking about posting this to MetaFilter, but instead I'll just link it here: The Directioners are Awesome, from ever-excellent The Awl.
There’s more to this than semantics. Possibly you don’t realize how radical it is to see five guys treat young women with respect, and to demand that others do so as well, but it is. In a world where “fangirl” and “groupie” are routinely used to put down women who are enthusiastic about anything, One Direction stands in shocking contrast to their peers and to the culture as a whole.

Take, for example, Jonathan Heaf, a writer for British GQ, who did a cover story about One Direction for the September issue. He described Directioners as “a spectacle of the natural world—like the aurora borealis or the migration of wild bison“ and as “20,000 wide-open mouths, hundreds of pleading white eyes, 40,000 palms raised skywards, a dark-pink oil slick that howls and moans and undulates with every impish crotch-thrust from their idols’ plinths.”

That’s the kind of thing you’re dealing with as a young female who likes music. An adult male will sexualize you, write about your body as if he owns it, and then, as Heaf did, mock you on Twitter when you point out that he is being, frankly, a sexist pig of the highest order. "I’m still so terrified by GQ’s intense sexualization of young girls," wrote one fan. "ADULT MEN were sexualizing and minimizing children to animalistic wet vaginas in heat. AN ADULT MAN WROTE THAT AND THEN IT WENT THROUGH MULTIPLE ADULT MEN’S HANDS THAT SAID YEAH! AMAZING!" Is it any wonder that young women respond to a group that says, as Louis Tomlinson does in the movie, “This is a partnership between us and the fans?” It’s a big fucking deal.
I still may FPP it—it's a very good article.
posted by Rory Marinich at 8:59 PM on September 8, 2013 [6 favorites]

The video for Hot Chip's I Feel Better has always been one of my favorite boy band parodies. It certainly veers into the absurd.
posted by kdar at 10:12 PM on September 8, 2013 [2 favorites]

This is from Glenn Beck's theblaze.com

I don't know why, but it has some surprisingly good content there from time to time.
posted by empath at 10:23 PM on September 8, 2013

The video for Hot Chip's I Feel Better yt has always been one of my favorite boy band parodies. It certainly veers into the absurd.

Until I googled it, I had Hot Chip confused with Hot Fuzz.
And chaos reigned supreme.
posted by GoingToShopping at 11:14 PM on September 8, 2013

When dad said "there's an answer for this" I thought, "this had better be what I think it should be". And lo, it was.
posted by Decani at 11:45 PM on September 8, 2013

I've been drinking for 25 years and it just makes me love One Direction even more.

Seconding the points made in Rory's post above, the sexist articles about 1D fans do indeed miss the point that the Directioners are in the know all along. Of course they know it will all have to end one day and that's what makes them cry sometimes.

(At least, this may apply to young teenagers/pubescents. On the other hand, my daughter is only 10 and she screamed all the way through the three 1D concerts I've taken her to, apparently without any interfering concepts of the past, the future, death or the universe. We loved it.)
posted by colie at 2:35 AM on September 9, 2013 [2 favorites]

Best comment below the video on YouTube: 'Liam's mine, bitches.'
posted by colie at 2:36 AM on September 9, 2013 [1 favorite]

When dad said "there's an answer for this" I thought it would be Dark Side of the Moon, on vinyl.
posted by cogat at 2:43 AM on September 9, 2013

hmph...I think y'all need a shot of B12
posted by sexyrobot at 8:47 AM on September 9, 2013

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